Database Systems R&D Center, University of Florida, Gainesville, USAHelal, SumiDatabase Systems R&D Center, University of Florida, Gainesville, USASu, S.Y.W.; Meng, J.; Krithivasan, R.; Degwekar, S.; Helal, S. Dynamic Inter-Enterprise Workflow Management in a Constraint-Based E-Service...
I think I got involved to try to keep sharp during my unemployment (Gainesville Florida just wasn't the right place for me to launch a technology business with limited (VERY) funding). In retrospect, it seems I turned something seemingly negative into something positive. This seems to be a...
Warrington College of Business Administration University of Florida GainesvilleRUBIN PILLAYSchool of Entrepreneurship Oklahoma State University StillwaterWorld Scientific Publishing CompanyJournal of Developmental EntrepreneurshipWebb JW, Morris MH and Pillay R (2013) Microenterprise Growth At The Base Of The ... 0004 1936 8091University of Florida College of Medicine Gainesville FL USAMoneif Eidgrid.415696.90000 0004 0573 9824Ministry of Health Riyadh Saudi ArabiaHeather Kimball 0004 5997 482XStanford Health Care Palo Alto...
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, 1997. [Google Scholar] What Is Three-Tier Architecture. Available online: (accessed on 27 October 2022). Phaneendra, S.V.; Reddy, E.M. Big Data—Solutions for ...