Women Urologists: Changing Trends in the Workforce To characterize the current workforce of women urologists in the United States. An anonymous electronic survey was sent to all members of the Society of Women in Urology and all female non-Society of Women in Urology members of the Ameri... A...
S. in The Cascadia Subduction Zone and Related Subduction Systems. Seismic Structure, Intraslab Earthquakes and Processes, and Earthquake Hazards (eds Kirby, S., Wang, K. & Dunlop, S.) 9–12 (US Geological Survey, Geological Survey of Canada, 2002). Google Scholar Wada, I. & Wang, K...
3. Results 3.1. Microchipping Rates Descriptive statistics of source, sex, desexed status, microchip status, and outcome of the dogs and cats included in the study are shown in Table 1. Overall microchipping rates were low—only 28% of incoming dogs and 9% of incoming cats were categorise...
Both of the two tested antibiotics decreased the concentration of arsenite and arsenate in rhizosphere soil, but the inhibition effects of arsenite were higher than those of arsenate. This was similar to the results that aerobic arsenate reduction was not affected by antibiotics, but aerobic arsenite...
bird feces. Our results showed that most of the birds near the crop fields were resident small birds. We did not observe a correlation between the number of birds in sites and the incidence of indicator bacteria (e.g., coliforms,E. coli) in irrigation canal water, with the exception of ...