While latitude and longitude coordinates are a good way to describe a location on Earth, it is also ambiguous. The coordinates could represent either the centre of a city or a point of interest (such as a museum or a pub) in that spot. WOEID to the Rescue# To work around the problem,...
The loss of Arctic sea ice is a conspicuous example of climate change. Climate models project ice-free conditions during summer this century under realistic emission scenarios, reflecting the increase in seasonality in ice cover. To quantify the increase
First, the slide deformation almost followed the same tendency, in all experiments. Even the time nodes, during the evolution of the scaled coordinates of the control points, were similar for all experiments. Two significant time nodes were observed: one was T∼1, and another was T∼2. ...
First, the slide deformation almost followed the same tendency, in all experiments. Even the time nodes, during the evolution of the scaled coordinates of the control points, were similar for all experiments. Two significant time nodes were observed: one was T∼1, and another was T∼2. ...
First, the slide deformation almost followed the same tendency, in all experiments. Even the time nodes, during the evolution of the scaled coordinates of the control points, were similar for all experiments. Two significant time nodes were observed: one was T∼1, and another was T∼2. ...