Gungeon by surviving a challenging and evolving series of floors filled with the dangerously adorable Gundead and fearsome Gungeon bosses armed to the teeth. Gather precious loot, discover hidden secrets, and chat with opportunistic merchants and shopkeepers to purchase powerful items to gain an edge...
Gungeon by surviving a challenging and evolving series of floors filled with the dangerously adorable Gundead and fearsome Gungeon bosses armed to the teeth. Gather precious loot, discover hidden secrets, and chat with opportunistic merchants and shopkeepers to purchase powerful items to gain an edge...
Gather precious loot, discover hidden secrets, and chat with opportunistic merchants and shopkeepers to purchase powerful items to gain an edge and kill your past. Exit the Gungeon is a bullet hell dungeon climber immediately following the adventures of the misfit 'Gungeoneers' and their journey ...
Enter the Gungeon Wiki Official wiki 1,049 pages Explore navigation The Gungeon Meta Exit the Gungeon in: Guns/zh, ZH translation Guns/zh < GunsSign in to edit 枪是玩家攻击敌人的主要方式。它们可以通过打开箱子、打败BOSS、在商店中购买或者从NPC处获得。玩家可以携带的枪数量没有上限。
Items and guns in the Gungeon belong to five different qualities, which determines their relative rarities. Certain items have multiple qualities, and can appear in several different types of chests. Each floor has a unique distribution of qualities for
Enter the Gungeon ist ein Baller-Dungeoncrawler, in dem eine Bande Außenseiter sich durch den legendären Gungeon schießen, plündern, rollen und ab und zu Tische umwerfen, immer auf der Suche nach dem ultimativen Schatz: Die Schusswaffe, die die Vergangenheit töten kann. Wähle...
必须要使用的WIKI网站: 全部道具和枪枝的效果都可以在这里查 全枪枝: 全道具:在Steam的官方讨论区有国人写的非常好的指南攻略:
Enter the Gungeon (Switch eShop Game) first released 14th Dec 2017, developed by Dodge Roll and published by Devolver Digital.
Quickly find all the information you need about the game Enter the Gungeon. Includes a global search where you can rapidly find the detailed info about the items and enemies you encounter during your gameplay. * This guide shows you comprehensive information about: - Guns - Items - Pickups -...
Gungeon by surviving a challenging and evolving series of floors filled with the dangerously adorable Gundead and fearsome Gungeon bosses armed to the teeth. Gather precious loot, discover hidden secrets, and chat with opportunistic merchants and shopkeepers to purchase powerful items to gain an edge...