Enter the Dungeon (黒)(黒) ソーサリー プレイヤーはテーブルの下でマジックのサブゲームをプレイする。開始時のライフは5ライフで、各自のライブラリーをデッキとする。サブゲームが終了した後、勝者は自分のライブラリーから2枚のカードを探し、それらを自分の手札に加えて、その後ラ...
Welcome to Official Enter the Gungeon Wiki The comprehensive Enter the Gungeon and Exit the Gungeon wiki reference; written and maintained by the players. We are currently maintaining 6,236 pages (1,049 articles) on this Wiki so far! Please feel free to contribute by creating new articles or...
Dungeon Eagle is a gun. It can be charged to fire a more powerful shot. This gun is a reference to the real-life Desert Eagle. Guns/zh
Dungeon Eagle Owl Dungeon Eagle's charged shots gain significant knockback. Don't Worry About The Vase The Kiln One of the following: Chaos Ammolet Copper Ammolet Frost Ammolet Gold Ammolet Lodestone Ammolet Uranium Ammolet Destroying small breakable objects (vases, barrels, etc.) ha...
Welcome to the wiki about The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter ~Secretly Becoming World Strongest~ (Ore Dake Haireru Kakushi Dungeon ~Kossori Kitaete Sekai Saikyou~/俺だけ入れる隠しダンジョン 〜こっそり鍛えて世界最強〜), a Japanese Web Novel and Manga by Seto Meguru (瀬戸メグル) ...
Wiki中也表明了这个模式对游戏没有任何影响,和普通的游戏没有什么不同PS4版不知道可不可以打第五层BOSS之前,再打勾这个模式跳杯,我没有测试 kurori- 2016-07-14 10:18 (4)弹幕地狱|无伤之神四个角色都了结过去之後,在最後通往人生重来枪的路上,会有一个扭曲的坑,走上去就会被抓进第六层打通第五层就算...
The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter(2021) ▶0↑As you wish. ▶0↑You will need a spell to open the door. ▶0↑Explore a hidden dungeon. ▶0↑And that spell is... ▶0↑There lies a cave 15,000 meters southwest of here. ...
专辑中文名:挺进地牢 专辑英文名:Enter the Gungeon 发行时间:2016 资源格式:mp3+flac 游戏简介: 玩家需要做的也是控制角色进行地牢式的RPG探险。在每一层,玩家都会面临各式各样的敌人。而越往深走玩家要面临的困难就越多,游戏难度也就越来越大。游戏中玩家的生命值是有限的,为了能顺利过关,玩家需要充分利用场景...
《Enter the Gungeon》中的“gungeon”,是改自“dungeon”。“dungeon”意为地牢,而“gun”则是枪的意思。 游戏的剧情(文章开头即游戏片头的背景设定)也围绕着枪和地牢这个主题。目前总共有6个可使用角色(单人,双人据说还多一个角色但我没玩过双人),每个角色都有一段令自己悔恨的过去,他们想要借助这把枪的力量...
Enter The Dragon The fire in Lady Babylon’s eyes was just as intense as the cone of murderous orange, red and white flame she breathed at the companions. The companions could feel its heat from down on the ground even when it was still in Lady Babylon’s maw. ...