Server#of(nsp:String):Namespace Initializes and retrieves the givenNamespaceby its pathname identifiernsp. If the namespace was already initialized it returns it right away. Server#emit Emits an event to all connected clients. The following two are equivalent: ...
{"vId":"664980198424313900","applyId":"830460363400019969","blzt": 2,"blztmc":"已取消","sxrqmc":"02月12日","yxqs":"2023-02-12","yxqz":"2023-02-18","sxsyts": null,"jjzzl":"02","jjzzlmc":"进京证(六环外)","jjzh":"A23020958343645","sqsj":"2023-02-09 15:12:...
NSP Network Service Provider NSS Network Switching Subsystem NT Network Termination NTACS Narrowband Total Access Communications System NTIA National Telecommunications and Information Administration NTIS National Technical Information Service NTN 1) National Telecommunications Network; 2) Network Terminal Number...
NSP Network Service Provider NSS Network Switching Subsystem NT Network Termination NTACS Narrowband Total Access Communications System NTIA National Telecommunications and Information Administration NTIS National Technical Information Service NTN 1) National Telecommunications Network; 2) Network Terminal Number...