Northwest ENT and Allergy Centers provides treatment for conditions related to the ears, nose and throat to patients in the metro Atlanta area and Georgia.
Woodstock, GA 30188 Directions At Northwest ENT Surgery Center, we deliver high quality outpatient care in a specialized environment for patients undergoing ear, nose, throat, or neck surgery. Our state-of-the-art ambulatory surgery facility is independently owned and operated by board certified phys...
Relating to or in the process of childbirth. [L.parturio,to be in labor] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 parturient (pär-to͝or′ē-ənt, -tyo͝or′-) adj. 1.About to bring forth young; being in labor. ...
Coll. Life Sci., Northwest Norm. Univ., Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, Peop. Rep. ChinaJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.CheminformLan Ding,Guo-An Liu,Lai Wang,Kun Sun,Han Wang. Cytotoxic ent-kaurane diterpenoids from Isodon racemosa (Hemsl) Hara[J].Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section B. Organic ...
Exploration of healthcare workers' perceptions on occupational risk of HIV transmission at the University of Gondar Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia p pBackground/p pHIV/AIDS has several means of transmission. Exposure to blood and other body fluids is a very important means of transmission. Healthcare...
Northwest ENT and Allergy Center offers ENT treatments for ENT patients in Buckhead, Canton, Cartersville, Marietta, Windy Hill and Woodstock.
1.SchoolofLifeSciences,NorthwestNormalUniversity,Lanzhou730070,China 2.SchoolofLifeSciences,LanzhouUniversity,Lanzhou730000,China Abstract:TakingArabidopsisthalianacallusasmaterial,westudiedthemechanismofPLDanditsantioxidant enzymeresponsetotheallelochemicalpotentialditerpenecompoundLeukameninonE.Theresultsshowed thattheseme...
College of Life Sciences, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, ChinaSpringer NetherlandsResearch on Chemical IntermediatesLan Ding, Qian Hou, Qiyin Zhou, Qiong Zhang, Tiande Hou, Guoan Liu, Structure-activity relationships of eight ent-kaurene diterpenoids from three Isodon plants, Res Chem Intermed ...