The meaning of ENSURE is to make sure, certain, or safe : guarantee. How to use ensure in a sentence. Do you ensure or insure? Synonym Discussion of Ensure.
In a way, ensure does mean guarantee, but there is more to it than just that. The meaning of ensure is to make certain that something definitely happens by actively performing all the actions required for achieving that something. What does it mean to assure someone of something?
What people like Rick Santorum want to ensure is that OUR kids REMAIN in unmarried homes. 07/25/2005 2005 What we have to ensure is that Canada is on the vanguard of this revolution and not one of its victims. The Federal Budget 1996 On the eve of the birth of NAFTA, the first thin...
” is quite similar. Butinsurehas the additional meaning “to provide or obtain insurance on or for,” which is not shared byensure. Some usage guides recommend usinginsurein financial contexts (as in “she insured her book collection for a million dollars”) andensurein the general sense “...
Establishing score profiles for different age, variant and severity groups and metrics for meaningful change were noted by the panel for some COAs, but arguably these needs apply to all COAs. Data to support interpretation of the meaning of score changes was particularly sparse. The minimal ...
Meaning: To make sure, secure.Notes: Assure, ensure, and insure all mean "to make sure or certain". Only assure is used with reference to a person in the sense of "to relieve of worry": "The president assured the ambassador of his job." Ensure and insure are interchangeable among ...
Strong bones and osteoporosis prevention are crucial for general … Read More Weight Loss Yoga & Meditation How To Perform Kapalbhati & Its Benefits, Techniques What is kapalbhati & its meaning A quick and forceful exhale through the nose is a key component of the breathing technique known as ...
Depression and sleep have a bidirectional relationship, meaning poor sleep quality can contribute to depression, and depression can contribute to poor sleep. They are intertwined. Mismatched sleep routines impact relationships too. About 70% of American adults share their beds with someone else. When ...
Department of Commerce, meaning Americans spent a whopping 99.6% of their after-tax earnings. Even more frightening, in July the savings rate dropped below zero. We all know we should save more. But with so many goals to save for —a house, the kids' college tuition, your retirement, ...
How will your community rally to ensure its kids are healthy and ready to learn? We know rst-hand that changing kids’ habits is never easy, but change is possible and necessary. We must have the courage to take action today and to persevere until every child in America is healthy ...