Ensure® Max Protein Café Mocha shakes provide 30g of protein, 150 calories, and 25 essential vitamins and minerals with nutrients to support immune health.
Enjoy Ensure Max Protein Milk Chocolate supplement to a meal, enjoy after a work out, or a protein-packed snack any time of day. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease....
aMock-depleted or UHRF1-depleted extracts were supplemented with the indicated recombinant proteins (wt/D333A/D336A xUHRF1; see “Methods”) and chromatin was isolated. Chromatin-bound proteins were analyzed by immunoblotting using the indicated antibodies. For the protein levels of each protein...
a这种代理成本是股东对经营者的监督支出,经营者的保证支出以及当经营者没能实现股东利益最大化的剩余损失。 This kind of agent cost is the shareholder to the operator the surveillance disbursement, operator's guarantee disbursement as well as works as the operator has not been able to realize the shar...
R1/E ES Cells Transgenic Core Facility at Max Planck Insititute of Molecular ell Biology and Genetics N/A Experimental Models: Organisms/Strains Mouse: (C57BL/6xC3H) F1 Laboratory Animal Resources at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory N/A Mouse: R26-H2B-MCherry Laboratories of Animal Reso...
(including red blood cell count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, serum and urine glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, urea, serum creatinine, bilirubin, transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, and urine protein, among others) within normal limits, according to normal reference values of the Biochemistry, Hematology...
N-losses can be substantial when grass clover leys are incorporated into soil and the combined use of Rhizobium inocula and high C:N ratio compost was demonstrated to substantially increase both yield and protein concentration in organic wheat crops established after leys [69]. There is, to our...