auth-policy # traffic-policy # policy-based-route # nat-policy rule name nat源地址转换 source-zone trust destination-zone untrust action source-nat easy-ip # quota-policy # pcp-policy # dns-transparent-policy # rightm-policy # return <USG6000V1> 三层交换 <L3>dis cur # sysname L3 # un...
apply ip-address next-hop policy-based-routefishyoungpermit node 20 if-match acl 3001 apply ip-address next-hop 最后一步:在R1的接口上使能接口策略路由 [R1-Ethernet0/0/1]ip policy-based-routefishyoung [R1-Ethernet0/0/0]ip policy-based-routefishyoung 最终测试: CIA访问白...
policy-based-route aa permit node 10 if-match acl 3000 apply ip-address next-hop interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1 ip address ip policy-based-route aa 防火墙配置: interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1 ip address interface GigabitEthernet0/0/...
and the Intranet host can automatically select exits to access the extranet.Based on the functional requirements of a typical computer network environment, the whole network topology is constructed using the ENSP simulator.In the process of realizing network function, policy route is mainly...
步骤六:应用IPsec Policy到接口 FW1 intg1/0/5 ipsecpolicyipsec2310163852master intg1/0/6 ipsecpolicyipsec2310163946slave FW2 intg1/0/5 ipsecpolicyipsec2310163852slave intg1/0/6 ipsecpolicyipsec2310163946master 步骤七:配置策略 FW1 #基于策略路由 policy-based-route rulenameTrust_DMZ1 source-zonetr...
policy # traffic-policy # policy-based-route # nat-policy rule name HX_01ssh source-zone dmz destination-address address-set FW service HX_01 action destination-nat static address-to-address address 22 rule name JR_02ssh source-zone dmz destination-address address-set FW service JR...
Route inject: None Qos pre-classify: Disable 三、出接口调用 interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0 ip address ipsec policy ipsec_policy nat outbound 3999 四、需要保护的流量ACL Advanced ACL IPSEC 3000, 1 rule # BJ站点<---> SH站点之间访问,走ipsec Ac...
通过实验使学生从理论和实践两方面更好地理解WLAN技术的工作原理,增强了实践动手能力和综合应用能力.%This paper introduces the principle of wireless local area networks,designs the experimental scheme of wireless local area networks based on enterprise network simulation platform,builds a virtual network ...