El Nino and La Nina. Southern Oscillation (ENSO)Global Climate Change
论文第一作者陈尚锋研究员指出:“阿留申低压不仅受ENSO调控,而且能反过来对ENSO产生显著影响,阿留申低压与ENSO相互作用在维持ENSO准两年振荡周期方面起到了一定的作用。具体而言,冬季发生El Nino事件会增强次年春季阿留申低压的强度,春季阿留申低压的增强则有利于随后冬季发生La Nina事件;同样,冬季La Nina事件会减弱随后阿留...
东亚冬季风是北半球冬季最活跃、最强大的大气环流系统,其带来的寒潮和大雪会给受控区域带来巨大的环境、社会和经济影响。ENSO是热带太平洋重要的海-气相互作用,在年际-年代际时间尺度上显著影响东亚冬季风的强度。厄尔尼诺(El Nino)年东亚冬季风强度减弱;反之,拉尼娜(La Nina)年冬季风增强。但是,对于百年-千年尺度上...
To a lesser extent, La Niña also affects the Earth's rotational speed, but unlike El Niño, it tends to accelerate it. But what are El Niño and La Niña, and what are their impacts on the population, the economy, and the energy system? El Niño, La Niña and ENSO: what ...
[2] Wang, Y.,G. Huang*, K. Hu, W. Tao, X. Li, H. Gong, L. Gu and W. Zhang. 2022:Asymmetric impacts of El Nino and La Nina on the Pacific-South America teleconnection pattern. Journal of Climate,35(6), 1825-1838,https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0285.1 ...
[3] Wang, Y., K. Hu* ,G. Huang* and W. Tao. 2021:Asymmetric impacts of El Nino and La Nina on the Pacific-North American teleconnection pattern: the role of subtropical jet stream, Environmental Research Letters , 16 (2021) ...
By prescribing sea surface temperature anomalies(SSTAs)over eastern equatorial Pacific inJanuary鈥擬arch,the lag influence of ENSO(El Nino and La Nina)on monsoon over East Asiahas been studied.The results suggest that,due to the excitation of atmospheric low-frequencyoscillation by the SSTA,ENSO ...
结果表明:在El Nino事件年,汉江上游年降水量显著减少;与非La Nina年相比,La Nina年降水量略有增多,但没有达到显著变化水平;汉江上游洪水与ENSO事件关系密切:在上一年年底或本年年初有较强El Nino,且当年为El Nino向La Nina转换的年份,发生洪水的概率最大,相关性超过极显著水平,且洪峰大,成灾重,可能会发生最大...
Lin, J. & Qian, T. Switch between el nino and la nina is caused by subsurface ocean waves likely driven by lunar tidal forcing.Sci. reports9, 1–10 (2019). ADSGoogle Scholar Forootan, E.et al. Quantifying the impacts of enso and iod on rain gauge and remotely sensed precipitation pr...
第十七讲ENSO事件对中国天气气候的影响 丁一汇国家气候中心 ENSO事件一旦发生后作为一种热带地区的热源强迫会对热带和中高纬地区的天气和气候产生深刻的影响,造成不同的大气环流遥相关型。因而通过ENSO事件及遥相关问题的研究有可能了解某一地区天气和气候的原因。图8.1是1997年强厄尔尼诺事件发生时全球天气与气候的...