英[ɪn'sleɪv] v.使做奴隶;征服;强制 网络奴役;被奴役;奴役天皇 第三人称单数:enslaves现在分词:enslaving过去式:enslaved 同义词 反义词 v. subjugate,dominate,subject,bind,yoke 英汉 英英 网络释义 v. 1. 使做奴隶;征服 2. 强制,使盲从
Her drug addiction has completelyenslavedher. 吸毒成瘾完全使她身不由己. 互联网 That to be enthroned is to beenslaved. 拥有权力的同时就是被束缚. 互联网 Theseenslavedbacteria are called chloroplasts. 这些被俘获的细菌被称为叶绿体. 互联网
enslaved的中文意思:使成为奴隶( ens,点击查看详细解释:enslaved的中文翻译、enslaved的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握enslaved这个单词。
基本解释 vt.使做奴隸;使処於奴役的狀態 英汉例句 用作及物動詞 (vt.) Someone was enslaved to her. 有人做了她的奴隸。 He is enslaved by love. 他正沉溺於愛情。 Her beauty enslaved many young men. 她的美貌傾倒了很多男青年。 Education makes people easy to govern but impossible to enslave. ...
enslaved 2 of 3 adjective en·slavedin-ˈslāvd en- 1 :held involuntarily and forced under threat of violence or death to work without pay for the profit of another … a trove of historical records—birth registries, bills of sale,manumissions, wills and estate inventories—to demonstrat...
Formerly known as “Penn School,” this was one of the country’s first schools for formerly enslaved individuals. FromEssence.com In another, an enslaved man is dutifully following his master off to war. FromOutside Online To say that asking people to stay home to limit the spread of a ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook enslave (redirected fromenslaved) Thesaurus Wikipedia en·slave (ĕn-slāv′) tr.v.en·slaved,en·slav·ing,en·slaves To make into or as if into a slave. en·slave′mentn. en·slav′ern. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edi...
挪威老牌前卫金属乐队 ENSLAVED 发行专辑《Heimdal》一周年豪华版。其中包括加歌,以及与大提琴 Jo Quail 合作演绎的 “Congelia” 和 这首 “Forest Dweller”,请欣赏。( ENSLAVED在中国一直是一支#叫好不叫座#的乐队,在专辑水准和资历方面都不错,但是真心喜欢的歌迷没几个,你还知道什么这样的乐队吗?) LXMUSICK...
名称: ENSLAVED™: Odyssey to the West™ Premium Edition 类型: 动作, 冒险 开发商: Ninja Theory 发行商: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 发行日期: 2013 年 10 月 24 日 访问网站 查看更新记录 阅读相关新闻 查看讨论 查找社区组 嵌入 70 metacritic 阅读游戏评测 不支持简体中文 本产品尚未对您目前...