Enshrouded: Where To Find Enshrouded Oil Indie Games Looking to craft one of the best gliders in the game? Well, you'll need some Enshrouded Oil to craft it, and here's the best way to get these oils. By Enzo Zalamea Mar 4, 2024 Enshrouded: Where To Find The Crucible For The...
Enshrouded: With Ainsleigh Barber, Nigel Barden, Elana Bartsis, Maggie Chiang. You are Flameborn, last ember of hope of a dying race. Awaken, survive the terror of a corrupting fog, and reclaim the lost beauty of your kingdom. Venture into a vast world,
("Enshrouded Oil",0x50809ec9) AddItem("Exploding Arrow",0x3decc63b) AddItem("Spiritual Cane",0xd2c882c0) AddItem("Archmage Chest",0x4d6fa9a9) AddItem("Sage Gloves",0x6ac0f96b) AddItem("Sage Boots",0xd7873edc) AddItem("Sage Pants",0xbdc46498) AddItem("Archmage Gloves",0x17ba70dc...
Here's the trailer for our second update, Melodies of the Mire! Just a day in the life of a hero...
Enshrouded was #30 by daily average playtime in the adventure genre last month. Check out our latest Spotlight for more performance stats.
("Enshrouded Oil",0x50809ec9) AddItem("Eternal Acid Bite",0xffcdab9c) AddItem("Eternal Chain Heal",0x47b8ec3e) AddItem("Eternal Fireball",0x72022b44) AddItem("Eternal Heal Channel",0x8b4de09b) AddItem("Eternal Ice Bolt",0x52e7f0c0) AddItem("Eternal Light Burst",0x44d91d8) AddItem...
雾锁王国 Enshrouded|官方中文 你是火焰之子,一个濒死种族最后的希望火苗。苏醒吧,克服腐化一切的迷雾所裹挟的恐怖, 重新夺回你的王国所失落的瑰丽。置身于广袤世界,战胜难以想象的强大Boss,修造宏伟厅堂, 在这款至多16名玩家的合作类生存动作RPG中开辟属于自己的道路。
《Enshrouded》融合了生存、制作以及动作 RPG 战斗,游戏背景设定在了一个基于体素构筑的辽阔大陆。无论是攀登山脉还是跨越沙漠,你将可以在这个开放世界中自由选择前进的方向并塑造自己的命运。 点燃火焰的远古力量,通过一段段残缺的故事拼凑出表面之下的……显示全部 《 雾锁王国 》 的短评 (暂无) 现在...