In “Ensemble Stars!”, the anime adaptation of the smartphone game of the same name, we follow the idol groupTrickstar. Like many other young men, the Trickstar members visit theYumenosaki Private Academy, a private school in a mountainous landscape overlooking the ocean. The Yumenosaki Private...
Jojo’sBizarreAdventure The production studio started in 2007, and since then they have developed all of the seasons ofJoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. David Production is also prominently known for anime series likeFire Force,Undead Unluck, Monster Hunter Stories:Ride on,Ensemble Stars,Cells at Work!
We need your help, hero! Missing: Chapter summaries, CG chapters, CG quotes Chill Yellow Campaign Chill Yellow Written by Nishioka Maiko (西岡麻衣子) TypeEpisodesReleased Scout6Sep 29th 2022 Characters Logo Hokuto and friends are aiming to audition for a film directed by someone they admire. Th...
with Bryan Andrews leading the charge, whose been there from the beginning. And without spoiling anything, that's where we start to feel crossover potential with animated projects. We've got Marvel Zombies coming down the road. And Jeff Trammell's Your Friendly Neighborh...