其他听不清的句子 I'm interested in standing for election to the Youth Council, and I was told to give you a call. So do you know much about what the Council does, Roger? I've talked to Stephanie - I think she's the chair of the Council.And she told me a lot about it. How i...
Enquiry about joining Youth Council Example Name: Roger ………..Brown……… Age: 18 Currently staying in aduring the week Postal address: 17,Street, Stamford, Lincs Postcode: Occupation: student and part-time job as a Studying(major subject) and history (minor subject) Hobbies...
剑桥雅思11Test2Section1听力答案解析 Enquiry about joining Youth Council 剑桥雅思11听力第二套题目第一部分由10道个人信息笔记题组成。整体难度偏低,比较容易锁定答案位置。从以往的经验来看,错的最多的是第1题的拼写,和第8题的disabled。 点击查看这篇雅思听力对应的录音原文与其中出现的需要大家掌握的重点词汇: ...
【雅思听力C11-TEST2-Section1真题精听】雅思考满分为IELTS考生提供C11-TEST2-Section1真题Enquiry About Joining Youth Council句子/段落/全文精听及听写。备考练习雅思听力C11-TEST2-Section1,上雅思考满分。
wants to work with young people who are Will come to talk to the Elections Officer next Monday at pm Mobile number: Question 11-15 Complete the table below: Hobbies: does a lot of , and is interested in the On Youth Council, wants to work with young people who are Will come to talk...
查看听力原文 Q1-10 Question 1 - 10 Complete the table below: Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Enquiry about joining Youth Council Example Name: Roger ………..Brown……… Age: 18 Currently staying in a during the week Postal address: 17, Street...
wants to work with young people who are Will come to talk to the Elections Officer next Monday at pm Mobile number: Question 11-15 Complete the table below: Hobbies: does a lot of , and is interested in the On Youth Council, wants to work with young people who are Will come to talk...