In the menu ..GOTO -> LOCK MODULES..There you can see the ENQUEUE and DEQUEUE function Lock objects: Match Code Objec...
2.Implementing EN/DEQUEUE will solve the problem? 3.If first report is writing the data to table at 12pm(after locking the table), and the second report trying to access the table at 12:10pm to write the data, will this wait in some queue and write the data after the first report ...
hi all, i want to use sap locking mechanisn (Enqueue and dequeue consept) while updating database table...please explain how to use this while updating a database
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi All, I am facing problem with dequeue. I ahve created the lock objects on the primary key fields for the DB table i wanted to use. Now the enqueue is used in FM1 which locks the data and passes the entries to front Java application. Java does...
The parameter enque/deque_wait_answer determines whether dequeue (removal of locks) is done synchronously or asynchronously. The parameter can have the following values: TRUE: Waits for response from the enqueue server (synchronous) FALSE: Does not wait for response (asynchronous) ...
enqueue-dequeue Former Member 2007 May 19 11:37 AM 0 Kudos 249 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi all, Can i use FM 'ENQUEUE_E_TABLE' and 'DEQUEUE_E_TABLE' for nast table also, and in general for all DB tables? Can you send me FM which will update nast table?
Solved: Hi All, I should be highly appreciate if any one help me for locking function module like ENQUEUE and DEQUEUE for function location. Thanks Shaw
Dear all, Can anybody please tell me the significance of parameters in the above FMs. i.e. _SCOPE, _WAIT, _COLLECT, _SYNCHRON. Thanks a lot in advance. Best Regards,
Problems with ENQUEUE_E_TABLE/DEQUEUE_E_TABLE Former Member 2006 Dec 11 12:35 PM 0 Kudos 1,948 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi all, i use the above FMs in this case. REPORT ZGRO_TEST1 MESSAGE-ID ZZ. * PARAMETERS: P_LOCK RADIOBUTTON GROUP PRI1 DEFAULT 'X', P_...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi This is the basic information about the Fm, and you can search it in SCN you can get better answers. We can use the function modules ENQUEUE_E_TABLE for locking tables and the function module DEQUEUE_E_TABLE for unlocking tables. With this method, we...