"Enough" (2002) is a drama/thriller starring Jennifer Lopez as Slim, a woman who is beat up by her husband, Mitch (Billy Campbell), when she catches wind of his infidelities. She then tries to flee from his egomaniacal clutches with her daughter and no help from the law. Will she pr...
Theatrical grosses remained inconsistent, struggling to regain pre-pandemic momentum for most genres except horror (all hail, new scream queen M3GAN; a big hand for Talk to Me), and even the once-reliable cash cow of the superhero blockbuster sputtered more often than not.The Marvels... See...
Spider-Man has one of themost robust and iconic rogues' galleriesin the history of superhero comics. Whether he's faced the threat of the Green Goblin or Venom, the various incarnations ofthe Sinister Six, or new foes like the vampiric Inheritors, Spidey's struggles have captivated readers' ...
Enough Is Enough…Games Aren’t Movies! When it comes to corporate greed, well, do I even need to go into this one? Disney’s higher-than-normal cut on tickets for The Last Jedi and the never-ending stream of superhero films are just two examples of an industry that is more than hap...
Jurgens thinks Superman will keep thrilling people for the next 75 years. 53. According to the passage, Superman . A. was created with Batman B. became old in his new movie C. was created by two teenagers D. was not the first superhero in clothes 54. Superman first appeared in . E...
It subverts so many of the superhero movie clichés that we’re familiar with today just by pure virtue of the fact that they weren’t clichés back then. The Shadow (the movie and the character) can, and will, do whatever it wants, and that’s what makes it so fun to watch. Take...
There have been many attempts of late to adapt the Nancy Drew books in particular, with movies and TV pilots all trying to take the titian-haired teen detective and bring her up to date, leave her as she is with the world around her changed, and turn her into an adult. ...
Get your proton packs ready before having a cold one at one these bars because they're said to be haunted. Some believe they're the former owners, former workers, or even some old customers that haunt the premises. So let's see where you can have a drink with a ghost. ...
the movies have slowly added black characters such as Falcon and Black Panther and bumped up the role of supporting superheroine Black Widow to the point whereCaptain America: Winter Soldierwas as much about her as about Captain America, solo movies with black or female superheroic leads are ...
But there were flops and disappointments too, and some of the tried-and-true genres like superhero movies proved to no longer be the industry supporting tentpoles that they once were. Streamed entertainment continues to be a formidable competitor for eyes and dollars as everyone ...