【】互补异构(Keto-enol tautomerism) 嘧啶环和嘌呤环的芳香族性质以及环上取代基团(羟基和氨基)的富电子性质致使它们在溶液中,能够发生酮式(keto)-烯醇式(enol)或氨基式-亚氨基式的互变异构(tautomeric shift)。虽然碱基的这两种异构体是可以相互转变的,但在体内的主要形式为更稳定的酮式。这一点对于在...
enol n. [化]烯醇 tautomerism n. 互变现象 keto adj. [化] 酮类的 keto 表示“酮”之义 keto amide 酮酰胺 keto myo inositol 酮肌醇 keto urine 【医】 食物性酮尿 keto bodies 酮体 keto lactol 内缩酮 keto alcohol 酮醇 最新...
Keto–enol and enol–enol tautomerism in trifluoromethyl-β-diketones[J] . Joseph C. Sloop,Carl L. Bumgardner,Gary Washington,W. David Loehle,Sabapathy S. Sankar,Adam B. Lewis.Journal of Fluorine Chemistry . 2006 (6)Sloop J, Bumgardner CL, Washington G, Loehle WD, Sankar SS, Lewis AB....
enol n. [化]烯醇 tautomerism n. 互变现象 keto adj. [化] 酮类的 keto 表示“酮”之义 keto amide 酮酰胺 keto myo inositol 酮肌醇 keto urine 【医】 食物性酮尿 keto bodies 酮体 keto lactol 内缩酮 keto alcohol 酮醇 最新...
keto-enol tautomerism 网络 互变异构; 酮-烯醇互变异构; 烯醇互变异构
Particularly, theenol-keto tautomerismin the investigated structures can be expressed by a first-order rate equation: In [A.sub.0]/[A.sub.t], = kt, where [A.sub.0] and [A.sub.t] are the values of the absorbance at time [t.sub.0] and t, respectively, and k is the rate const...
The meaning of ENOL-KETO TAUTOMERISM is keto-enol tautomerism.
keto-enol tautomerism 读音:美英 keto-enol tautomerism基本解释 酮-烯醇互变异构 分词解释 tautomerism互变异性
“keto-enol”We have one entry that includes the term keto-enol. keto-enol tautomerism noun : tautomerism in which the keto and enol forms of a compound (as ethyl acetoacetate) are in equilibrium See the full definition Word of the Day ...
Keto-enol tautomerism in asymmetric Schiff bases derived from P-Phenylenediamine. J. Mol. Struc. 984, 232-239 (2010).arevi , M. ubc i , . tilinovi , B. Kaitner, M. Cindric, 2010: Keto-enol tautomerism in asymmetric Schiff bases derived from p- phenylenediamine, J. Mol. Struct. 984...