The enneagram experts claim that when you learn your enneagram type and know its meanings, you not only see your strengths and weaknesses but also develop your personality phenomenally. You can adjudge their claims. Go through a brief description of the nine Enneagram types here. You can identif...
To get know which Enneagram personality Type you are, you can download this Enneagram test (in Excel format), fill it in and discover your personality Type. Download the Enneagram test This template isexclusivelyfor our paying Toolshero members.Click hereto see if a membership is something for ...
When your dominant Instinct merges with your core Enneagram Type, the two together is known as your Subtype. Subtypes sheds light on why people with the same Enneagram Type, can behave in different ways. Grasping your Subtype can create an instrumental, detailed and nuanced description of your ...
Eachtypealsohasthreemaininstinctualsubtypes-theSelf-Preservation,SexualandSocialsubtypes.Becauseeachpointisdifferent,itmaybeperceivedashavingatendencytowardonesubtypeoranother.Itrequireskeenobservationandunderstandingtodiscoveraperson'stendencytowardaparticularsubtype. Self-Preservationsubtypespaymostattentiontophysicalsurvival...
When your dominant Instinct merges with your core Enneagram Type, the two together is known as your Subtype. Subtypes sheds light on why people with the same Enneagram Type, can behave in different ways. Grasping your Subtype can create an instrumental, detailed and nuanced description of your ...
and subtypes to create positive change. Doing necessary psychological work to prepare the way for an awareness level shift, including working with passions, emotional reactivity, core wounds of the types, and integrating the shadow. Using the arrow line connected points for growth. Evoking the ...
Enneagram Type 1—Levels of DevelopmentHealthy LevelsLevel 1 (At Their Best): Become extraordinarily wise and discerning. By accepting what is, they become transcendentally realistic, knowing the best action to take in each moment. Humane, inspiring, and hopeful: the truth will be heard....
This subtype generally has a larger sphere of influence, although they might still be very entrepreneurial. They are likely to be more socially minded then the other subtypes of Eight. They are more aware of group dynamics. The social instinct, when combined with the type Eight fixation, causes...
Advanced Instincts, Subtypes, Countertypes, and Stackings Includes Introduction to the Types, Tritypes®, Wings, Lines, and Centers This is Katherine’s most advanced and comprehensive book on the “Enneagram Instinctual Subtypes 2.0: Advanced Instincts, Subtypes, Countertypes, and Stackings.” It...