Some people adopt one wing as part of their type identification, (i.e., “I’m a 4w3”), identifying strongly with the description of one wing as well as their primary type. In this way, wings can be understood as a more detailed way of typing yourself, also known as a subtype. ...
Each Enneagram type has two adjacent wings, one of which is more dominant than the other in each Type 9 person. When you take your Enneagram test, you'll learn which wing is dominant for you. Although they don't have as large an impact as your actual Enneagram type, wings still affect...
9 6 0Away (IdealSeeking) 1 4 7 —Against (PowerSeeking) 8 5 2 SevenoftheEnneagramtypescanbecorrelatedwiththetraditional \o"SevenDeadlySins" SevenDeadlySins .Twoadditional'sins','deceit'and'fear',arealsoincluded. One– \o"Anger" Anger ,asthefrustrationthatcomesfromOnesworkinghardtodothingsright...
Classical enneagram test This test has pages with 9 questions or less (1 for eachEnneagram type). You'll get less questions per page after having answered enough questions to establish which types you are not. Enneagram test with instinctual variant With this test you get pairs of character tr...
• Comprehensive descriptions of each of the 9 Enneagram personality types. • An Enneagram test to help you accurately discover your: - Intro - Your enneatype - Career/Lifepath - Relationship - Wing type - Weekly action plan • Detailed information on the growth path and higher aspects ...
• Comprehensive descriptions of each of the 9 Enneagram personality types. • An Enneagram test to help you accurately discover your: - Intro - Your enneatype - Career/Lifepath - Relationship - Wing type - Weekly action plan • Detailed information on the growth path and higher aspects ...
Your core Enneagram type (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, or9) sets the framework for your behaviors and thought patterns. Your wing, on the other hand, branches out from your Enneagram roots and gives it a spinoff. It’s similar to having a coffee with a vanilla or espresso shot—which makes...
The wing is always a type immediately next to the basic type. An individual is never an 8w2 or a 5w9. When we multiply the 9 basic types by the 2 possible wings that may interact with any of those basic types in determining any individual’s fundamental personality, we now have 18 po...
It is helpful to note that the Enneagram types are dynamic due to each type’s relationship to both of its wing types and both of its lines of connection (both of which are patterns of three), and when combined, these forces generate the dynamic energy that create each of the 27 Trityp...
understanding the influences operating in you. For example, no one is simply a personality type Two. A Two has either a One-wing or a Three-wing, and the Two’s Direction of Disintegration (Eight) and its Direction of Integration (Four) also play important parts in his or her overall ...