the types that lie adjacent to one's own that are more prominent. This is called the wing. So someone who is a type 5, might have a 4 wing or a 6 wing. This may be abbreviated to "5w4" and "5w6". If one doesn't have a dominant wing, it is said that the wings are ...
Some people adopt one wing as part of their type identification, (i.e., “I’m a 4w3”), identifying strongly with the description of one wing as well as their primary type. In this way, wings can be understood as a more detailed way of typing yourself, also known as a subtype. ...
others may prefer to fullyfeeltheir feelings and share with others to better process what theiremotions are telling them. Based on how you react to different situations, you will fall under one of nine Enneagram types, most likely with a “wing,” or secondary personality type, to better desc...
Enneagram Type 1—Levels of DevelopmentHealthy LevelsLevel 1 (At Their Best): Become extraordinarily wise and discerning. By accepting what is, they become transcendentally realistic, knowing the best action to take in each moment. Humane, inspiring, and hopeful: the truth will be heard....
6 wing 7 (6w7) - preferred 7 wing Common Name: The Buddy more self-deprecating and disarming more dependent upon others more eager to be liked and have fun Type 7 7 wing 6 (7w6) - preferred 6 wing Common Name: The Entertainer ...
Enneagram vs. Myers-Briggs: Key Differences Why Enneagram Fives “Don’t Feel Ready” to Act How Archetypes & Enneagram Types Overlap and Correlate Enneagram 4 & 5: How Myers-Briggs Type Affects Wing Preference Enneagram 4, 5, or 9? Insights from Analyzing Jung’s TypeTake...
Reading Note - Personality types: Using the Enneagram for Self-Discovery (Part 6: Type Six) 六号:忠诚 终级形态:社区建设者,卓越的组织才能,尽责、靠谱、自我牺牲,稳定和安全感的来源。 低级形态:为安全感和稳定感困扰,尝试获取安全感,结党营私,无法决策,跪舔权贵。
1w9:Enneagram Type One wing Nine personalities have all the main characteristics of the Type One, but also resemble the Type Nine in some ways. These Ones are generally calmer than other Type Ones and they possess a strong sense of right and wrong. They are more open to new ideas and pe...
Type 6 compared with type: 12345789 Addictions Rigidity in diet causes nutritional imbalances (“I don’t like vegetables”). Working excessively. Caffeine and amphetamines for stamina, but also alcohol and depressants to deaden anxiety. Higher susceptibility to alcoholism than many types. ...
This simple test helps you determine the dominant Enneagram type for each of the three centers of intelligence (aka tri-center, trifix, tritype, truetype) along with the wing for each type.