This free Enneagram personality test will show you which of the 9 personality types suits you best. See how you score for all 9 Enneagram types, and understand where you fit in the Enneagram personality system.
9w1:The Nine wing One type is a Nine who has many of the same features as theType One personality. This type is hardworking, friendly, modest, and generally more serious and diligent than other Nines. Common jobs for this type include nurse, veterinarian, religious worker and human resource...
Type 9 compared with type:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8AddictionsOver-eating or under-eating due to lack of self-awareness and repressed anger. Lack of physical activity. Depressants and psychotropics, alcohol, marijuana, narcotics to deaden loneliness and anxiety....
6 and 9) are arrow lines of each other. For this reason, many people may get confused between an arrow line and their core type, just as they may be confused between a core type and a strong wing (one of the types on either side of the core type). Understanding how the arrows...
Enneagram 9 Wing 1 Type 1 is known as the "reformer," and they're known for being especially ethical, organized, and perfectionist. Both Type 9s and Type 1s value self control, so 9w1s have deep control over their emotions. Type 9s can also sometimes come across as scatter-brained, so...
Type 9: compassion, time alone, resistance Tell us what you like and don’t like about being your type. Type 1: I like that I’m not a pure 1. I have a 9 wing. That also means that my closet isn’t perfectly organized. Nor is my house perfectly organized. I don’t like the ...
What is the ESTJ type 8 with a 9 wing? ESTJ type 8 with a 9 wing (ESTJ 8w9) is a subtype of the ESTJ personality that gets its dominant traits from Enneatype 8, MBTI’s ESTJ, and, to a lesser extent, Enneagram 9.ESTJ 8w9 shows the classic ESTJ desire to succeed, Enneagram 8s’...
9w8: A Type 9 with an 8 wing is a bit more assertive than a typical Type 9. Taking on the characteristics of confident Type 8s, this subtype is able to stick up for themselves and stand their ground. This boldness, however, is still tempered with Type 9’s cooperative qualities, making...
The ESFJ Enneagram type 9 is known as the Peacemaker under the Enneagram’s typology.Type 9 ESFJs are a Body personality type who exhibit a gentle persona because they strive to maintain the status quo. Three dominant strengths explicitly define those with an ESFJ Type 9 personality. Firstly,...