7w8:The Seven wing Eight is a Seven that shares many of the same qualities as the Type Eight. The 7w8 typically appears tougher and more career-driven than other Sevens. The Seven wing Eight is confident, assertive, and encouraging. Popular careers for 7w8s include motivational speaking, law...
Type 7 compared with type:1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9AddictionsThe type most prone to addictions: stimulants (caffeine, cocaine, and amphetamines), Ecstasy, psychotropics, narcotics, and alcohol but tend to avoid other depressants. Wear body out with effort to stay “up.” Excessive cosmetic surgery...
However, Enneagram Type 7 Wing 6 also avoid many of the more reckless decisions Type 7s--with their love of novelty and spontaneous manner--can make. They tend to think things through a bit more and consider how their actions will affect others. Like all Type 7s, they're popular to be ...
More Enneagram Type Seven Resources: https://www.eclecticenergies.com/enneagram/type7 https://www.enneagramworldwide.com/types/the-epicure About the Author: Lily Yuan is a personality psychology writer who has a knack for just missing the bus. She tests as INTP 5w4 and constantly questions he...
Type 7 compared with type: 12345689 Addictions The type most prone to addictions: stimulants (caffeine, cocaine, and amphetamines), Ecstasy, psychotropics, narcotics, and alcohol but tend to avoid other depressants. Wear body out with effort to stay “up.” Excessive cosmetic surgery, pain kille...