7w8:The Seven wing Eight is a Seven that shares many of the same qualities as the Type Eight. The 7w8 typically appears tougher and more career-driven than other Sevens. The Seven wing Eight is confident, assertive, and encouraging. Popular careers for 7w8s include motivational speaking, law...
Type 7 compared with type:1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9AddictionsThe type most prone to addictions: stimulants (caffeine, cocaine, and amphetamines), Ecstasy, psychotropics, narcotics, and alcohol but tend to avoid other depressants. Wear body out with effort to stay “up.” Excessive cosmetic surgery...
More Enneagram Type Seven Resources: https://www.eclecticenergies.com/enneagram/type7 https://www.enneagramworldwide.com/types/the-epicure About the Author: Lily Yuan is a personality psychology writer who has a knack for just missing the bus. She tests as INTP 5w4 and constantly questions he...
However, Enneagram Type 7 Wing 6 also avoid many of the more reckless decisions Type 7s--with their love of novelty and spontaneous manner--can make. They tend to think things through a bit more and consider how their actions will affect others. Like all Type 7s, they're popular to be ...
Type 7 compared with type: 12345689 Addictions The type most prone to addictions: stimulants (caffeine, cocaine, and amphetamines), Ecstasy, psychotropics, narcotics, and alcohol but tend to avoid other depressants. Wear body out with effort to stay “up.” Excessive cosmetic surgery, pain kille...