Q. Where can I find more information about the 9 Enneagram types? You can find comprehensive profiles of each of the nine Enneagram types here:Enneagram 1-Enneagram 2-Enneagram 3-Enneagram 4-Enneagram 5-Enneagram 6-Enneagram 7-Enneagram 8-Enneagram 9 ...
The Challenger or Warrior is the strong and dominating type. They are natural leaders, self-confident and assertive. This Alpha-type personality depends on no one, and never shows signs of vulnerability. They use their strength to protect those who are close to them, and will not hesitate to...
Level 7:Can be highly repressed, undeveloped, and ineffectual. Feel incapable of facing problems: become obstinate, dissociating self from all conflicts. Neglectful and dangerous to others. Level 8:Wanting to block out of awareness anything that could affect them, they dissociate so much that they...
Integrative9'sEnneagram personality test Accurate and reliable You may be wondering "Is the iEQ9 Enneagram personality test is accurate and reliable?" Yes, very accurate. Over the past 12 years, we refined our Enneagram assessment, based on scientific validation and constant client feedback, to ...
Seek & Explore Up and Down 课程时 间:三天课程导师:孙越 Tony单独付费:RMB 13800元/人,不含税 课程内容 1、九型人格的发展层级与意识能量 2、九型人格的八十一种发展层级及相关训练 传承篇两天 直挂云帆济沧海 Set the Cloudy Sail, to Bridg...
Inscribed within the circle is a triangle taking in points 9, 3 and 6. The inscribed figure resembling a web links the other six points in a cyclic figure 1-4-2-8-5-7. The rules of the magic number 142857 can be applied to the enneagram's explanations of processes. According to ...
Inscribed within the circle is a triangle taking in points 9, 3 and 6. The inscribed figure resembling a web links the other six points in a cyclic figure 1-4-2-8-5-7. The rules of the magic number 142857 can be applied to the enneagram's explanations of processes. According to ...
9w1:The Nine wing One type is a Nine who has many of the same features as theType One personality. This type is hardworking, friendly, modest, and generally more serious and diligent than other Nines. Common jobs for this type include nurse, veterinarian, religious worker and human resource...
7# 享乐者 8# 保护者 9# 调停者 1# 完美型 副型卡片选择 sx 一对一 sp 自保 so 社群 文字题 Statements: 声明:Drag the statements in order of preference that you identify with most for each section. 将语句按照每个部分中您认为最重要的首选项顺序拖动 54% I am an efficient, productive, and...
7. The Enthusiast You’re easy to spot from across the room because you’re talkative, fun-loving, andextroverted. You also tend to collaborate well since you enjoy spending time with others. But you love change and might flit from project to project, so you could work to improve your fo...