Ne(NP) 4、7(1.3少) Ni(NJ) 3、5(7少) Fe(FJ) 2、6(5.7少) Fi(FP) 4、9(1少) Te(TJ) 1、5、6(2.4少) Ti(TP) 5、6、7(2.4少) 按第一功能划分 IFP 4号,9号 infp 4,6w5,9w1 isfp 4,6w7,9w8 ITP 5号 intp 5,6w5,9w8 istp 5,6,9 INJ 4号,5号 infj 1,2w1,4,6w5,9w1...
Type 2w1 Companion Companions tend to be altruistic, purposeful, and supportive Type 2 Caregiver Caregivers tend to generous, altruistic, and empathetic Type 2w3 Host Hosts tend to be ambitious, altruistic, and sociable Type 3w2 Enchanter Enchanters tend to be ambitious, charming, and enthusiastic ...
2w1:44% 2w3:56% 有相当多的ISFJs确定二号是他们的九型类型,由于这种类型与ISFJ的辅助功能外倾情...
Enneagram Type 2 (Enneagram 2w3/Enneagram 2w1) - Integration to a 4: Directed by Wenzeslawa Wegener. With Wenzeslawa Wegener. Enneagram Type 2 (Enneagram 2w3/ Enneagram 2w1) - Integration to a 4.
于本身号码两旁相邻的就是侧翼,例如 第 2 型号的人会有 1号 或 3号的侧翼(即是 2w1或2w3)。按此说法,性格即可分成18个类型:1w9、1w2、2w1、2w3、3w2、3w4、4w3、4w5、5w4、5w6、6w5、6w7、7w6、7w8、8w7、 8w9、9w8、9w1。 有关九型人格 (Enneagram) 课程的详情,请到
1 wing 2 (1w2) - preferred 2 wing Common Name: The Advocate more easily expresses anger more responsive to others' needs more interpersonal and passionate Type 2 2 wing 1 (2w1) - preferred 1 wing Common Name: The Servant more dutiful, of service ...
ENFJ Enneagram: 2w1 Misc: SCP Foundation Zodiac: Leo (most likely)IntroductionWe explore SCP-073’s personality type, best personality matches, zodiac sign and Enneagram type.How compatible are you with SCP-073?Calculate compatibility Which personality type is SCP-073?
Enneagram type 1 is full of judging types. This is understandable as type 1 is more interested in being perfectionistic. This combines perfectly with these MBTI types that want a structured life. Some of the types you might see include ISFJ, ESFJ, ESTJ, and ENFJ. ...
一个人极可能在基本类型上兼备相邻类型的特质,即第一型 可能拥有第九型(写作1w9)或第二型(写作1w2)的侧翼性格,第二型人可 能拥有第一型(写作2w1)或第三型(写作2w3)的侧翼性格,如此类推。典 型的第二型与属于2w1与2w3的人行为表现可以有很大的出入,譬如说虽然第 二型人在与人共事时倾向以别人的感受...
Not sure what your enneagram type is?Take ournew personality questionnaire here! Which Movie Star Has Your Enneagram Type? The Enneagram One – The Celebrity with a Mission “Without discipline, there’s no life at all.” –Katharine Hepburn ...