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For finer control of mouse sensitivity, modify %LOCALAPPDATA%\enlisted\downloads\online_storage\last\enlisted\jupiter\controls.json and change value for Human.Aim{sensScale:r=} to your desired sensitivity. If you have not changed the sensitivity in-game, the sensitivity values will not be visibl...
You can manually update your network adapter driver by going to the manufacturer’s official website to download and install the correct network driver for your system. OR If you don’t have the time, patience or computer skills to update your drivers manually, you can instead do it automatic...
方法一:更换浏览器 目前测试下来火狐和edge浏览器都不行,大家可以试试uc浏览器和chrome浏览器,多换几个。 方法二:使用爱加速 不少移动和电信运营商的玩家表示都打不开官网,很有可能是运营商的问题导致的,大家可以使用爱加速,连接联通的线路试试,轻松实现一键转网。 步骤如下: 第一步:点击下面的链接就能自动跳转...