enlisted 显示所有例句 adj. 1. 士兵的having a rank that is below that of an officer 例句 释义: 全部,入伍的,士兵的,征募,参军,征集 更多例句筛选 1. Afterstuffinghis face fulloffood,hebrokeup withmeandsaidhe'dre-enlisted into the marines,leavingintwoweeks. ...
Enlistedrecipients of the Medal of Honor are entitled to a supplemental uniform allowance. 荣誉勋章获得者将有资格获得军人的津贴. 期刊摘选 Heenlistedas a volunteer in the Marines. 他报名当一名海军陆战队的志愿兵. 期刊摘选 Heenlistedin the army. ...
Enlisted is a squad-based first person MMO shooter covering key battles from World War II. The game carefully recreates weapons, military vehicles and the atmosphere of that era, while demonstrating really massive clashes of numerous soldiers, tanks and
Ajouter au panier Achats intra-jeu facultatifs Jeu en ligne requis Forte violence, Achats intra-jeu, Les utilisateurs interagissent Avis Enlisted - Premium account for 180 days Avis global des joueurs 0.0Aucun avis Aucun avis 0 % 0 %
enlisted开服以来金币队大全 熊头bear 展示各种古董雪藏金币队 前排提示:本人入坑比较晚,很多队都没有 所以也说不上好坏,大部分内容仅做陈列不做评价 内容基本上为搬运Wiki上大佬们的内容 荆棘鸟9655 3-27 33 初始属性5-5-5的一级步枪兵拉大栓打一权的话,技能怎么点? Light 因为之前玩德系的时候不知道...
while others move and shoot independently following the player's general orders. In a situation where all the soldiers in the squad have fallen, a player respawns with the next available squad. This decision makes Enlisted battles look massive and spectacular while keeping the input of each indivi...
Enlisted is an MMO squad based shooter for PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and the Xbox Series X|S in World War II where you act as an infantry squad leader, tank crew or an aircraft pilot. The weaponry, soldier’s uniform, appearance and capabilities of the vehicles in ...
【Enlisted】“缅甸猛虎”更新的武器和载具 即将到来的“缅甸猛虎”更新将充满能够从根本上改变战场的武器——装甲厚重的坦克、轰炸机和强大的步兵武器。做好严肃战斗的准备! 首先,让我们熟悉一下美国的新高级小队,它们旨在提高您在低和高战斗等级下的游戏体验! [图片] 第 423 步兵团(配备T24机枪) (BR V) T24...
enlisted-坦克贴花教程 Foxdroz 本人第一次发教程贴,如果有不恰当之处,还请原谅。 因为大部分的贴花和坦克迷彩装扮需要购买才能搭配得出好看的皮肤,并且花里胡哨不具备实战性,属于整活性质,所以此教程是基于各路阜南/各路军饷有盈余的整活大佬们的,对于新手、只肝不氪、追求实战性的玩家,我并不推荐花费如此多的军...
enlisted开服以来金币队大全 熊头bear 展示各种古董雪藏金币队 前排提示:本人入坑比较晚,很多队都没有 所以也说不上好坏,大部分内容仅做陈列不做评价 内容基本上为搬运Wiki上大佬们的内容 ULTRA 3-11 70 【权重相关】从对位武器分析四系的优势权重 FinalGolbeza FinalGolbeza 3-11 3 翻译:我们的游戏...