Enlightenmentthinkersbelievedthatabetterworldcouldbebuiltbyusinghumanreasontocombatignorance,superstition,andtyranny.Theirprincipaltargetswerereligion(embodiedinFranceintheCatholicChurch)andthedominationofsocietybyahereditaryaristocracy.ReneDescartes (1596-1650)•“Ithink;thereforeIam.”•ConsideredbymanytobetheFather...
Enlightenment Thinkers Alexander Pope on Newton • NATURE and Nature’s Laws lay hid in Night: God said, “Let Newton be!” and all was l..
Enlightenment thinker argued that the purpose of government is to safeguard the natural rights of the people 3 Economist Adam Smith argued that, in a free a market, business activity would be regulated by the forces of 4 Enlightenment thinkers tried to avoid censorship by ...
Enlightenment thinkers of the eighteenth century were committed to the ideal of reflective autonomy--the principle that each of us should think for ourselves, particularly when determining moral and political standards. In keeping with that era's reputation as "the age of reason," many interpreted ...
Enlightenment Thinkers 14個詞語 DIONISIO FINAL SHORT ANSWER 9個詞語 History Unit 3 Flashcards. 26個詞語 Reformation and Renaissance 9個詞語 Western Civ Chapter 9 55個詞語 Key Themes of the Renaissance and Enlightenment 老師19個詞語 Evan - Grade 10 - SS- The Enlightenment Movement Part 1 ...
The period is characterized by thinkers and philosophers throughout Europe and the United States that believed that humanity could be changed and improved through science and reason. Thinkers looked back to the Classical period, and forward to the future, to try and create a trajectory for Europe...
between civil society and the state), the view that all legitimate political power must be “representative” and based on the consent of the people, and liberal interpretation of law that leaves people free to do whatever is not explicitly forbidden, were all developed by Enlightenment thinkers....
AFrenchman,BernarddeFontenelle,expressedthisoptimisticfaithinreasonandprogress.In1702,hewrotethatthenewcentury“willbecomemoreenlighteneddaybyday,sothatallpreviouscenturieswillbelostindarknessbycomparison.”7/64 EnlightenmentPrinciples AmeetingofFrenchEnlightenmentthinkers •Religion,tradition,andsuperstitionlimited...
It all started during the period that historians call the Scottish Enlightenment, which is usually seen as taking place between the years 1740 and 1800. At this time, Scotland was home to a number of thinkers who made an important shift in the course of Western philosophy. Before that, ...
9、e idea that God chose a countrys king, and that the king got his authority from God. Many Enlightenment thinkers stressed individual rights that governments must respect. Enlightenment thinkers also felt that people should have a say in their government.,11,Enlightenment and Religion,Enlightenmen...