Enleum develops world class high end audio products such as the amplifier AMP-23R and headphone amplifier HPA-23RM.
就在不久之前,Steven 分享了关于美国 ENLEUM AMP-23R 耳放功放一体机的听感,其实,在测试 AMP-23R 其间,Steven 也同时收到由厂方寄来的 HPA-23RM 电池耳放,从字面上看,就可以得悉两者之间的分别,HPA 代表 Head-Phone Amplifier 的意思,明确地说明是一台耳放,而 R 是指 Reference,即使参考级,最后 M 就是...
Enleum develops world class high end audio products such as the amplifier AMP-23R and headphone amplifier HPA-23RM.