23RM 电池耳放,从字面上看,就可以得悉两者之间的分别,HPA 代表 Head-Phone Amplifier 的意思,明确地说明是一台耳放,而 R 是指 Reference,即使参考级,最后 M 就是 Mobile 流动的意思,对比之下,AMP-23R 作为桌面式的音响,更着眼于功放的部份,从我个人的体验中,确实 AMP-23R 同时有着非常出色的耳放和功放表现...
usage - hence using "R" for reference and "M" for mobile in the product name. Continuing our legacy in the headphone amplifier design with up-to-date technologies, the HPA-23RM follows in the footsteps of the AMP-23R and our other legacy products, such as Bakoon's HPA-21 and HPA-...
知音堂丨售价近5万!ENLEUM AMP-23R 耳放&合并功放简评! - 知音堂音频馆于20231014发布在抖音,已经收获了1.7万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
ENLEUM AMP-23R耳放&合并功放简评!知音堂丨售价近5万!ENLEUM AMP-23R 耳放&合并功放简评!知音堂丨售价近5万!ENLEUMAMP-23R 耳放&合并功放简评!知音堂丨售价近5万!ENLEUM AMP-23R耳放&合并功放简评!知音堂丨售价近5万!ENLEUM AMP-23R 耳放&合并功放简评!知音...
1 4★ 0% 0 3★ 0% 0 2★ 0% 0 1★ 0% 0 Write a ReviewAsk a Question Reviews Questions 09/09/2024 bradford P. United States An Outstanding Headphone AMP I couldn’t be happier with this amp. It reminds me of a tube amp that is super detailed and full. This is one of those...