A 20-year-old woman presented to the endocrtnologist with an enlarged thyroid. The patient had no history of thyroid disease. On palpation, a firm right thyroid lobe nodule was detected/ measuring 6x7 cm. No palpable lymph nodes were evident in the neck. Iodine-131 thyroid scintigraphy revea...
Mobius amd Von Greases signs wore positive. Thyroid glamd was diffuselyenlarged. The heart rate was 106/rain. The skin was wet with sweat. Slight tremor was noticed upon stretching out hor hamds. 默比乌及冯格雷费征阳性,甲状腺弥漫性肿大。心率106次 分,皮肤汗湿,双手伸出时有轻微颤动。