BPH is an enlarged prostate. Most men deal with an enlarged prostate at some point in life, which leads to urinary symptoms like urgent need to go and weak stream.
BPH is an enlarged prostate. Most men deal with an enlarged prostate at some point in life, which leads to urinary symptoms like urgent need to go and weak stream.
However, approximately half of all men need additional treatment within four years.Transurethral needle ablation of the prostate (TUNA)— This procedure uses a heated needle to burn away small amounts of prostate tissue. Like TUMT, this procedure costs less than TURP and has fewer complications. ...
Not ready for surgery, but don’t want to be on medication?This treatment uses the natural energy stored in water vapour, or steam, to shrink the obstructive prostate tissue that leads to BPH. Learn More Photoselective Vaporisation of the Prostate (PVP) ...
Urologix is the leader in less invasive Enlarged Prostate (BPH) Treatment. Our technology offers effective, minimally invasive and in-office enlarged prostate treatments
Prostate cancer associated with a symptomatic and enlarged prostate can be a challenging condition, and a multimodal therapy approach is preferred. As this patient prefers an alternative to radical surgery, a combination of techniques is advised to alleviate outlet obstructive symptoms and as well ...
King Charles underwent a procedure for his enlarged prostate last month, which helped uncover his cancer diagnosis. Buckingham Palace did not specify which prostate procedure the monarch received, but surgery for an enlarged prostate is a common treatment. The most common type of surgery for an enl...
PSA test.This checks for levels of what’s called prostate specific antigen, or PSA, in your blood. PSA is aproteinyour prostate makes. Both BPH and prostate cancer can raise your PSA level. This test alone can't confirm that you have BPH. You will need other tests, too. If your lev...
Reasons to consider monitoring an enlarged prostate: Your symptoms are mild. You don't want the side effects of medications. It’s less costly than medical or surgical treatments. Some men withmild BPHsymptoms find they get better without treatment. ...