The pupils are the dark centers of the eye where light can enter the inner eyeball. The size of the pupil’s change with varying light conditions to allow more or less light into the eyeball. This is controlled by the iris. When the pupil’s are enlarged it is dilated and when it is...
Ability to focus the eye easily is an important feature of this distance for Americans. The iris of the other person's eye seen at about six t 头、大腿和骨盆没有容易地被带领进入精读? 老练,但手可能到达和掌握肢。 头在大小看如被扩大,并且它的特点被变形。 能力聚焦眼睛容易地是这个距离一个...
The sclera is the white part of the eye, the pupil is the dark central circle, and the iris is the surrounding colored ring. Eyes may also contain a limbal ring, which is a thin, darker band on the outer edge of the iris. With old age and/or physical illness, the sclera dims and...
IrisHumansRefractive ErrorsEye InjuriesRuptureKeratotomy, RadialContact Lenses, HydrophilicAdultMaleNo Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1007/BF03172355Gunn, Leveson -GowerDublinSpringer-VerlagTransactions of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland...
Journal of the American Medical AssociationAnatomy of the human eye: iris histology-ocular pathology RC, Tripathi BJ (1984), Anatomy of the human eye, orbit & adnexa , in The Eye, Vol. 1A, Vegetative Physiology and ...
10GBase-L(Xa)data transmission over a 100 μm core MMF with(obu)t special launching conditions: (a) pulse response; (b) eye diagram envelope. FiFgiugruere121.2. 1100GGBBaasse-LX data transsmmiissssiioonn oovveerr aa 110000 μµmm ccoorree MMMMFF wwitihthoouut tssppeecicailallalua...
The patient subsequently developed three separate episodes of choroidal detachments in the operated eye. Each episode was preceded by treatment with an alpha(1)-adrenoceptor antagonist.Tamsulosin may cause adverse ocular effects including recurrent choroidal detachments. alpha(1A) is the dominant alpha-...