There is always a time when it is necessary to enlarge the PDF page size before printing so that the text on the PDF file will become clearer. This article will teach you how to achieve this in Windows and macOS. Read to know more.
I am creating a little survey that sends a list of 10 questions to a person and they have to select one of 4 answers by looking at the picture included with the question. Problem is the default resolution of the image pasted into the form is not very big and hard to see the details....
Using windows 10. This is probably more of an OS problem than an issue with the application, but is there a way in intellij to increase the size of the invisible bar that is hovered over to offer an option to vertically or horizontally resize a toolbar? I'n having a hard time...
My guts also say that the might be a culprit. I am not arguing with you that you don't know your documents, it's that I would also swear my documents were the same and later found differencies in unexpected places. Way too many variables without seeing the documents. This ...
Close a dialog on button click in MVVM close a wpf user control Close Login window and open mainwindow on Login Close page in wpf Close the popup when i click outside the popup or click Esc button WPF CloseReason on WPF Window Closing a form with the escape key VB.NET closing window ...
CES - Day Three (Jan 10) A long time ago, HP introduced a small hand scanner that one could move around a page. The scanner then stitched the images together to reconstruct the complete page image. The project was internally called Zorro because of the motion one used across the page. ...
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My guts also say that the might be a culprit. I am not arguing with you that you don't know your documents, it's that I would also swear my documents were the same and later found differencies in unexpected places.