Looking for quotes about enjoying your day and life? We have rounded up the best collection of enjoy your day quotes, sayings, wishes, greetings, messages, captions, status (with images and pictures, posters, wallpapers) to wish you friends and family a great and wonderful day ahead. Also S...
Do you consider this day just another typical day or a special day for relaxation and spending time with your friends, your family, or yourself? Although some people may work on Sundays, this day is usually the time for most of us to rest from work. And what makes Sundays even great is...
“The only thing that will stop you from fulfilling your dreams is you.” ~Tom Bradley Every day seemed like hours passing. It didn’t matter how much I got accomplished at work or how many nice things I did to help others. I never felt satisfied. This restlessness seemed to grow as...
59.Tony met Gloria at his friend’s graduation party last weekend, and fell into love with her at the first sight. He is planning to ask her for the first official date, expecting Gloria to receive them with a sparkle in her eyes. ...
I made Hot Cross buns before I started to feel unwell on Easter weekend. Have you spotted the one Not Cross bun? It might have been for the atheist, or perhaps because I ran out of paste! All shared with family. And another batch sans crosses later, for the freezer. I’ve been go...
This very quiet guest house is ideally suited for business and recreational traveller’s seeking accommodation before and after their travel within Uganda. The guest house is in a serene environment, with a large planted gardens where you will have only the sounds of bird calls to distract you....
“But for now, I invite you to join me in the water. Wade in and relax. Feel what it’s like to be you, in your body, in this very moment. You don’t need to be strong right now. You don’t need to work so hard. Be still. Let the water hold you. In a few minutes, ...
Helping your children enjoy reading is worth the investment of your time and energy. Kids will learn reading skills in school, but often they come to associate reading with work, not pleasure. As a result, they lose their desire to read. And it is that desire—the curiosity and interest—...
This weekend I will share a special recipe, preparation for a Christmas tradition and of course, some quiet moments reflecting on the season and all that it means to slow down and enjoy it! Join me for the sleigh ride! Sing along!
For more info and price quotes send Carmen Mensink a message and she will get back to you asap:Name * First Last Email * Subject Message * Submit“A very big thank you for the art weekend, we both really enjoyed it and feel inspired to go on and do more thangka paintings.” ...