We’re experimenting a lot of the time. This is where a safe word comes in. "Always have a safe word, so if you're not enjoying the experience, you can communicate to your partner that you'd like to stop immediately," Zane says. Your safe word should be a non-sexual word that ...
Enjoy the Decline. I remember the first time I ran across that particular catchphrase; a somewhat-popular blog, with a black/orange aesthetic, run by a man whose call-sign was as witty as his prose. After reading for a some time, I started a blog-war argument with him – some minor ...
2. How to unsubscribe: You can unsubscribe/automatically renew at any time. Please turn off automatic renewal at least 24 hours after the subscription period expires, and there will be no further charges after turning it off. If you do not turn off automatic subscription 24 hours before the...
We have some time before we check out of our hotel in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam and I thought I’d say Hi to you, I’ll include a couple of photos but don’t know if they’ll load. It is currently after 11 am and we are in a Holiday airport hotel that took ages to get ...
The Game will likely break when multiple players die at the same time. Having tens of ghosts is risky in this sense. This is due to how the game handles death and would probably require a full re-write to support fully. Consider games with 3+ Ghosts to be "for fun" ...
Who doesn’t love a lazy meme? Laziness has almost become a trend in current times. People are being more outspoken about, and even possibly proud of, being lazy! Now, of course, you can’t spend your whole life being a coach potato. But, there is plenty of humor to be found partic...
A Simple Method Of Registration And Activation Is All That It Takes To Help You Get Started On An Adventure Of a Lifetime. Deposit Make a Small Amount Of Deposit And Move Ahead To Claim The Right Set Of Ingredients That Are Catered To Hit You With Success. ...
[tweetmeme] When I am alone, in public, this thing happens. “You look like a lost puppy!” said a friend as I was looking for my seat in the college cafeteria. Once someone offered me a glass of water as soon as I walked in. Another time, a man pulled me off the street and ...
Once upon a time there was a team of dedicated, intelligent, passionate developers and QA engineers who worked on XYZ platform at ABC company. Every day they came to work with the intention of building the best dang platform that ABC had ever seen. However, this team was NOT the original...
Memeing to please the common denominator I’ll feed ya Boxes of red pills, come out of the closet Caution if you talk about the fam again, I’m locked on-target I’ll help make this fantasy, a real one After all these years, I’m glad to see it’s begun ...