EY France 1 minute read06 janv. 2022 Thèmes associés dEcrYptages Immobilier, hôtellerie et construction Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Dans l’émission dEcrYptage, les experts EY vont à la rencontre des dirigeantes et dirigeants qui pour échanger sur les transformations de l’économie, des entre...
The case of Bayard highlights the strategic stakes involved by the creation of a website designed for young children. It suggests some recommendations to develop a digital offer dedicated to them.Hemar-NicolasValiéieEzanPascaleDecisions Marketing...
Building collaboration between school and parents: issues for school social workers and parents whose young children exhibit violent behaviour at schoolMettre en place une collaboration entre les écoles et les parents: des enjeux pour le travail social scolaire et les parents de jeunes enfants ...
d’autres actions sont nécessaires (menées notamment par l’ICARDA) pour combattre le déclin des ressources en eau douce (lutte contre la désertification, l’érosion et la salinisation, nouvelles
national challenge Shortages and tensions in vaccine supply: a global issue facing national challengeShortages and tensions in vaccine supply: a global issue facing national challengeÉlisabeth NicandDaniel Floret
How do students, who are both assessees and assessors, perceive these multiple feedbacks, especially when they are led to compare them to regulate their own initial assignment and their assessment skills? This article analyses in detail the processes and feelings at play when students no...
The Software Defined Radio ( Sdr ) has always been considered as a promising solution for the future of wireless communications because of its ability to provide flexible architecture, enabling multimode and multistandard devices. On the network side, this technology seems to be achievable in a ...
La reforme de la formation des enseignants en France enjeux et questions pour les formations universitaires professionnalisantesFrance faces nowadays a package of reforms aimed to transforming higher education. Among these reforms, changes in teacher education and training have attracted the strongest ...
Enjeux et modalités de formation pour les professeurs des écoles en didactique des mathématiquesUsing numerous research findings about the practices of schoolteachers who teach math and the training they received, this paper aims to identify the principles that can serve as a basis for ...