"Enhancing Mindmap"插件为Obsidian带来了强大的思维导图功能,使得用户不仅可以记录文字,还可以用图形化的方式组织和呈现自己的思考。对于需要结构化信息和进行脑力风暴的用户,这无疑是一个非常有价值的工具。 如果你还没有尝试这个插件,建议你下载并安装一下,体验一下在Obsidian中创建思维导图的乐趣! 1 扫码购买《Ob...
“Enhancing Mindmap”插件是一个为Obsidian设计的增强型思维导图工具,允许用户直接在Obsidian内创建、编辑和查看思维导图。 2.主要功能 链接支持: 用户可以在思维导图中直接插入外部链接或Obsidian的内部链接。 文本样式: 支持多种Markdown文本样式,如加粗、斜体、删除线等,使得思维导图更加丰富多彩。 Katex公式: 对...
Enhancing mindmap插件是由MarkMindLtd开发的一款插件,在今天刚刚发布在github,目前版本0.0.1。 Github地址:https://github.com/MarkMindCkm/obsidian-enhancing-mindmap 蓝奏云地址:https://wws.lanzoui.com/ijSeUr1br7i 实际操作 官方指导 https://github.com/MarkMindLtd/obsidian-enhancing-mindmap yaml中的激活...
obsidian plugin editable mindmap,you can edit mindmap on markdown file - MarkMindCkm/obsidian-enhancing-mindmap
首先,“Enhancing Mindmap”插件是为Obsidian设计的增强型思维导图工具,允许用户在Obsidian内直接创建、编辑和查看思维导图。该插件的主要功能包括提供一系列快捷键,以帮助用户高效操作思维导图。这些快捷键涵盖了创建新的思维导图、添加子节点、编辑和删除节点等操作,极大地提升了用户的使用效率。总而言之...
plugin: MindMapPlugin; hoverPopover: HoverPopover | null; id: string = (this.leaf as any).id; mindmap:MindMap | null; colors:string[]=[]; timeOut:any=null; getViewType() { return mindmapViewType; } getIcon() { return mindmapIcon; } getDisplayText() { return this.file?.base...
Obsidian做思维导图 4款插件推荐 📌 如何用Obsidian实现思维导图和笔记的完美结合吗?和大家分享我体验过的4种插件,帮你更好的做只是管理! 1. MxMind 插件 2. Mindmap Nextgen 3. Enhan - Shiki实验室于20240708发布在抖音,已经收获了32.6万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好
Students who used vocabulary mind-maps made higher gains in vocabulary acquisition and more accuracy in vocabulary knowledge. Key words: mind mapping, concept mapping, EFL, vocabulary, freshman students 1. I NTRODUCTION A mind map is a graphic organizer in which the major categories radiate from ...
Keep in mind that it is important, when enhancing value, to do it in a way that does not add significant cost for either the seller or the customer. Adding features that also add costs only moves higher on the Fair Value Line. Similarly, lowering costs by eliminating important features ...
A Concept-Map Integrated Dynamic Assessment System for Improving Ecology Observation Competences in Mobile Learning Activities Observation competence plays a fundamental role in outdoor scientific investigation. The computerized concept mapping technique as a Mindtool has shown the... PH Hung,GJ Hwang,IH...