In contrast, neither H3K4 methylation nor enhancer/promoter interaction was detected at the +51 enhancer in T-ALL cells. Finally, we investigated the role of insulator protein CTCF in the regulation of TAL1 expression in normal and in malignant cells. We found that regardless of similar CTCF ...
我们所关心的是promoter是怎么跟cis-regulatory element发生关联的(esp. enhancer),这其中必然涉及到interaction in cis,故我们可以想象一个promoter-enhancer interactome,它描述了某个gene的启动子跟相关联的一系列genomic targets的物理联系,这也就拓展了protein-gene interaction的含义。 为了研究promoter-enhancer ...
Spt5-mediated enhancer transcription directly couples enhancer activation with physical promoter interaction Johanna Fitz Tobias Neumann Rushad Pavri Nature Genetics Article 06 Apr 2020 Sections Figures References Change history References Author information Ethics declarations Rights and permissions About this...
and both enhancer–promoter and enhancer–enhancer interactions are moderately but consistently increased upon enhancer activation in vivo. Less than 14% of enhancer–promoter interactions form stably across tissues; however, these invariant interactions form in the absence of the enhancer and are likely...
Promoter One that promotes, especially an active supporter or advocate. Enhancer Anything that serves by contrast to call attention to another thing's good qualities; Pretty girls like plain friends as foils Promoter A financial and publicity organizer, as of a boxing match or an artistic performan...
Study design and features of epigenetic landscape of skeletal muscle in LW and MS.aIntegrated analyses based on enhancer-promoter interaction maps and GWAS leading signals.bPie charts showing that 75–76% enhancers chose to skip over their nearest gene to regulate target genes in a long-range ma...
Background: The enhancer–promoter interaction (EPI) is a critical component of gene regulatory networks, playing a significant role in understanding the complexity of gene expression. Traditional EPI prediction methods focus on one-to-one interactions, neglecting more complex one-to-many and many-to...
Promoting enhancer-promoter interaction Studies have found that eRNAs accelerated the transcription process by fostering enhancer-promoter interaction [57, 67]. For example, Li et al. performed GRO-Seq on cells treated with 17β-estradiol (E2) and observed the correlation between the ER-α binding...
Here, we present PSYCHIC, a computational approach for analyzing Hi-C data and identifying promoter–enhancer interactions. We use a unified probabilistic model to segment the genome into domains, which we then merge hierarchically and fit using a local background model, allowing us to identify ...
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a multifactorial disorder, which is partly heritable. Herein, we implemented a mapping of CAD-associated candidate genes by using genome-wide enhancer-promoter conformation (H3K27ac-HiChIP) and expression quantitative tra