The Witcher: Enhanced Edition reprend les bases du jeu original, récompensé par plus de 90 prix, tout en apportant une série d'améliorations dans le système de jeu et les performances techniques. Dialogues et cinématiques améliorés :plus de 5000 lignes de dialogues ont été réécrites...
【ENG】Witch..1. 等级设定W3EE取消了人物,装备和敌人等级的概念,这意味着你在进行任务的时候没有等级的前置要求注意截图中没有任何等级标识(钱为了演示方便修改了一下)
A complete and comprehensive rework of The Witcher 3, offering a much higher quality experience than the original game ever could.For a continuation of the mod that works on the next gen version
剑力学 A silver sword is not needed for every monster anymore. Most monsters will require a ...
The Witcher II: Assassins Of Kings Enhanced Edition Genre: Role-playing - Action - ...
We are happy to announce that The Witcher: Enhanced Edition and The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings will soon have Apple silicon M1, M2, and macOS Ventura support. However, we will be discontinuing support for OS X 10.7.5, OS X 10.8.2, macOS 10.15, and changing ...
Head over toOmniFX PresetorProudi’s – Awesome FXto check out what I mean, there are more Presets for The Witcher Enhanced Edition, those are just an example. Download the preset you like the most Go to download the configurator ...
巫师:增强版The Witcher: Enhanced Edition CD Projekt RED 2008-09-16 8.68.0 中文 0想玩2在玩315玩过1525已购买0在关注 列表贡献点评举报 简介 开发/发行 链接 8.6 8.0 《巫师》的游戏背景改编自波兰的奇幻小说家安德烈·斯帕克沃斯基的著名奇幻小说猎魔人。北方诸国 (Nording) 内乱不止;南方的尼弗迦德帝国 ...
巫师3吧 关注:563,401贴子:5,132,042 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 视频 玩乐 6回复贴,共1页 <返回巫师3吧STEAM 上的The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut是什么 只看楼主收藏回复 lhp332 吟游诗人 2 The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut这个是什么? 送TA礼物 1楼2017-03-30 17:...
3 The Witcher: Enhanced Edition(2008) Alternate • 660×930 LDfrost 6 The Witcher: Enhanced Edition(2008) Alternate • 600×900 MetalTxus 3 The Witcher: Enhanced Edition(2008) Alternate • 600×900 Morente 3 The Witcher: Enhanced Edition(2008) Alternate • 600×900 Slack 2 The Wi...