Enhance Speech,一款由 Adobe 出品的录音增强工具,可以去除音频背景噪音,让语音或者录音听起来就像在专业录音室中录制一样,使音频具有专业录音室品质录音的干净、专业的声音。
Enhance Speech是Adobe公司出品的一款免费AI音频处理工具,它利用AI技术来增强录音品质,使之听起来像是在专业播客录音室中录制的。这个工具特别适合需要改善录音音质的播客、视频制作者或任何需要清晰语音录音的用户。Enhance Speech 使用机器学习技术来清理录音,但它不会生成新的音频,而是优化现有的录音。 Enhance Speech官...
这个Enhance Speech属于Adobe Podcast项目的一个AI驱动工具,从项目的名字就不难知道,这应该是提供给一些做网络电台、播客、讲估佬这类聆听类内容转作者,当然这个Enhance Speech用来改善会议录音或者视频音轨的音质也是可行的,用法也相当简单,在Adobe网页上传音频文件就行,没有任何设置,它会自动转好给你试听和下载...
Adobe Podcast除了Enhance Speech,还提供了其它一些AI驱动的工具,比如Mic Check,用来改善麦克风的收音音质,可以根据麦克风与人的距离人,作增益、消除背景噪音和回声等等,,这同样是有AI技术的帮助,而且Adobe Podcast的这些工具都是网页版,只要能上网就行,也是比较方便的,大家都可以去试用下。
Adobe Podcast推出免费工具Enhance Speech, 录音音质糟糕一直都是小白用户们常会遇到的问题,虽然现在的手机录音已经不会太差了,但如果真要放到播客、视频制作的话,还是会有很大差距,不过现在Adobe就帮非专业用户们解决这个难题了,他们推出了一个免费工具Enhance Speech,利用到AI来改善录音的音质。
Enhance speech 福布斯钦点舞台与录音室的终极全能麦克风 LEWITT MTP W950 人声对齐的全新标准:Waves 发布 Sync Vx 插件 录音也可以如此简单:SHURE MV7i 智能麦克风评测 评测:Novation 新版 Launchkey MK4 能否成为新宠? 拒绝削波,专注于录音:TASCAM FR-AV2 紧凑型带混音器和时间码功能的 32 位浮点录音机...
Enhance Speech in Premiere ProLaatst bijgewerkt op 9 jan. 2025 Premiere Pro App openen Adobe Premiere Pro User Guide Beta releases Getting started Hardware and operating system requirements Creating projects Workspaces and workflows Frame.io Import media Editing Edit video Sequences ...
Issue - When using 'Enchance Speech' in the Essential Sounds tab, the audio is duplicated, it sounds like its playing the enchanced audio and the original audio at the same time. It's been happening for quite a while, today I invesigated and realise it happens when Proxies are turned ...
A progress bar appears in theEssential Soundpanel to give an estimate of how long it will take to enhance the selected audio clip. This task occurs in the background, so you can continue editing while the speech gets enhanced. Move theMix Amountslider to adjust the amount of enhancement. ...
Enhance Speech has been a lifesaver since it came out, so today has been very tough with it not working. I would happily pay a bit more to Adobe every month to just have reliable access to Enhance Speech! ...and I'd pay even more for a version that would run locally without being...