cooking fails, hilarious social event happenings, they all have humor potential. When you and your spouse have a hard, near-crippling laugh about it, you know it’s perfect for your engravings.
I got some coffee mugs done for me and some friends and they were absolutely wonderful! They took the time to really talk to me about whay what exactly I wanted, even at a busy event and I couldn't have asked for anything better. Plus, they were super nice which is always good. :)...
Fireplaces Leather Jewelry Bracelets Earrings Wood Signs Furniture Luggage Tags Picture Frames Most anything you can dream of! Here are some examples of our hand painted commissions in the past year for companies which include Macy’s, Almay and Tory Burch as well as personal projects from around ...
or at all really, that matters. It's the promise. It's the knowing someone wants me to be part of his life. Someone loves me, that I'm the one for him. That's not just enough, it's everything. —Nora Roberts