Define Engrams. Engrams synonyms, Engrams pronunciation, Engrams translation, English dictionary definition of Engrams. ) n. A physical alteration of neural tissue in the brain, posited to explain how memories are formed. American Heritage® Dictionary
High frequency oscillations are detected during encoding, throughout maintenance, and right before recall of remembered items, meeting a basic definition for an engram activity. The temporal coordination of high frequency oscillations reactivated across cortical and subcortical neural networks is ideally ...
This sorts things by the tag or definition of what tier of technological advancement they are. For example - Spears, Campfires, Cloth Armor, and Stone Tools are all in the Primitive or Thatch tier. Each tier is represented by a material, or an item quality, depending on...
Specifically, the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC, see Box 1 for definition) was reported to be necessary for the recall of remote fear memories [6,7]. These findings gave rise to the classical model of memory formation, which posits that the initial formation and storage relies on the HPC,...