engram cells,定义为在记忆过程中被选择激活,并且在回忆过程中被再次激活的细胞。memory encoding研究的重点在于,哪些细胞会被招募成为engram cell,又为何是这些细胞。现在认为,被招募成为engram cell的神经元可能具有更高的内在兴奋性,具体地,CREB信号通路很可能参与这一过程。CREB缺陷的神经元被从记忆编码的过程中抑制(...
In many cases, forgetting rates are modulated by environmental conditions and we therefore propose that forgetting is a form of neuroplasticity that alters engram cell accessibility in a manner that is sensitive to mismatches between expectations and the environment. Moreover, we hypothesize that ...
Memory engram cell populations in different areas of the brain, as indicated by different types of supporting evidence (observational, loss of function, and gain of function) and representative studies published. Abbreviations: OB, olfactory bulb; PFC, prefrontal cortex; RSC, retrosplenial cortex; NAc...
These results revealed an enhanced neuronal excitability due to membrane changes in response to engram cell reactivation induced by re-exposure to the conditioned context (Figures S1D–S1G). Analysis of the current to spike frequency discharge confirmed the result (Figure S2B). Spike rate ...
Abstract What happens to memories as days, weeks and years go by has long been a fundamental question in neuroscience and psychology. For decades, researchers have attempted to identify the brain regions in which memory is formed and to follow its changes across time. The theory of systems cons...
These results reveal a hitherto unknown transient enhancement of context recognition based on the plasticity of engram cell excitability. They also suggest that recall of a contextual memory is influenced by previous but recent activation of the same engram. The state of excitability of engram cells ...
memory cell memory chip memory device memory engram memory foam memory image memory lane memory loss memory mapping memory picture memory span memory trace Memphian Memphis Memphremagog MEMS memsahib men men- Men and Women Menaccanite menace menacer Menachem Begin menacing menacingly menad menadione...
英文: Hippocampal place cells can process the environmental inputs and make up a cognitive map in the hippocampus,or strengthen the synaptic connections within an association cortical cell assembly,thus creating a permanent engram for a spatial site.中文: 海马位置细胞接收各种来源的空间信息后,可对...
By using learning-dependent cell labeling, we identified an increase of synaptic strength and dendritic spine density specifically in consolidated memory engram cells. Although these properties are lacking in engram cells under protein synthesis... TJ Ryan,DS Roy,M Pignatelli,... - 《Science》 被引...
nm.4491-Dentate granule cell recruitment of feedforward inhibition governs engram maintenance and remote memory generalization 热度: THRESHOLD: BlackMagicandShatteredGeometry ByRyanAnschauungITempleofTHEM TextCopyright©2011RyanAnschauung Allrightsreser~ed.Nopartofthisbookmaybereproducedorutilizedinanyformor ...