Asia Pacific region receives the most Chinese guests (74%), followed by North America (54%), Europe(43%) and Latin America(30%). Bloomberg Business : China’s Legions of Tourists Will Spend $155 Billion Abroad This Year 116 million Chinese tourists are expected to travel abroad and spend ...
《现代大学英语(精读6 第2版)》: Earlier this year, the publication of Amy Chua's Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother incited a collective airing out of many varieties of race-based hysteria. But absent from the millions of words written in response to the book was any serious consideration of...
Do you know more animal vocabulary than my 6-year-old daughter? Find out in this episode which covers over 60 items of vocabulary for describing animals, their body parts, habitats and behaviour. I am joined by my daughter for a quiz and chat about different kinds of animals. PDF available...
And to help you never forget what you're going to learn today about regional English expressions in the US; you can download this free PDF guide that I've created for you with all of the expressions, the regions that they're used in, some ways that you can use them.为了帮助你永远不...
year global persistent identifier Add [dataset] immediately before your reference. This will help us to properly identify the dataset. The [dataset] identifier will not appear in your published article. Preprint references We ask you to mark preprints clearly. You should include the word "preprint...
As the participants had been exposed to English as the only medium of instruction during their past 4.5 academic years (one year at preparatory school and 3.5 years in undergraduate program), they supposedly had reached the C1 (CEFR) level during the time of data collection, but there is no...
All companies should provide fully paid paternity leave of a year. Discuss. ___ ___
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“2021-02-25 Covid One year on” “2021-03-04 Looking for utopia” “2021-03-11 What’s the key to happiness” “2021-03-18 Digital help for blind people” “2021-03-25 Astronauts on strike” “2021-04-01 Is English really English” “2021-04-08 The language of biscuits” “2021...
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