9. Misplaced or misused apostrophes. Over time the apostrophe has become the all-purpose tool of punctuation. It has served in functions ranging from ownership to plurality, although not always in grammatical ways. Incorrect possession: Please give the dog it’s bone. Correct possession: Please ...
English grammar rules, from A to N, verb tenses and parts of speech, for learners of all levels.
Update:In March 2018 I updated the words lists. Previously I used 10 word lists, but several had problems that caused some common words like "and" and words with apostrophes not to appear in the intersection involving 9 or 10 of the lists. In the process of fixing this, I removed the ...
(Unfortunately though, that clarity doesn't always shine through the words.) Ambiguity most often occurs when a writer has expressed a multi-component idea and then starts a sentence with a term like "This means...," "This explains...," or "This is why..." If you find yourself starti...
Another course by Mignon Fogarty (see the Best Short Course on Punctuation above), Advanced Grammar is a short, advanced English grammar course with exercises and additional resources to help you use correct words, locate incorrect grammar, and review parts of speech, punctuation, and sentence stru...
【042】Learn 15 Phrasal Verbs with 'GET' in context get by get across get through 14:47 【043】AVOID Repeating These Words in Daily English Conversation - Use These Alter 15:40 【044】LEND or BORROW British English Grammar 07:27
1. Pay attention to apostrophes Don’t ignore this important punctuation mark, because the apostrophe is used to form contractions as well as the possessive case (for example,sister’sbook,John’sson). If you omit the apo...
【标清生肉】Ladies of London 伦敦贵妇的真实生活 第一季已完结 ATL字幕 20.7万738 【English with Lucy】1000集+ 4K超清 英语口语听力纯干货 English with Lucy/english with lucy YouTube英语教育 【生活大爆炸学英语】字幕版 # 第一季,基础词汇量7000 ...
We currently have English Worksheets for Abbreviations, Active and Passive Voice, Adjectives, Adverbs, Alliteration, Alphabet, Analogy, Antonyms, Apostrophes, Articles, Back to School, Book Report, Capitalization, Character Analysis, Clauses, Commas, Compound Words, Conflict, Conjunctions, Context Clues,...
Transitional Words Spelling Worksheets Spelling 1st Grade Spelling 2nd Grade Spelling 3rd Grade Spelling 4th Grade Spelling 5th Grade Spelling H. School Spelling Grammar Worksheets Abbreviations Active Voice Adjectives Adverbs Alliteration Analogy Antonyms Apostrophes Appositives Articl...