English to Tamil: Simply enter your English word in the search box and click “Search” for instant Tamil translations. Tamil to English: Enter your Tamil word (Unicode) directly into the search box and click “Search.” Convert Numbers to Tamil words: To convert numbers to Tamil words, sel...
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If the word is not correctly translated as expected – you can make use of suggestion option below the text editor and choose preferred text. English to Tamil Typing: Difference between Translation and Transliteration: Translation gives you the meaning of a word in other language. For example: ...
Typing in Tamil script is very easy and simple using Unicode English to Tamil Translator. Just type the text in English in the given box and press space, it will convert the text in Tamil script (Tamil Typing). Click on a word to see more options. To switch between Tamil and English ...
Just type your Tamil word and IndiaDict will bring you the English meaning of the word. Totally, there aremillions of wordsand their meanings in our Tamil-English dictionary. One more advantage of using our dictionary is thatyou can make your own dictionaryby adding/marking each searched word...
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English-Tamil-German dictionaries. We have over 50 000 words with translation and automatic spell correction. Every visitor can suggest new translations and correct or confirm other users suggestions. Learn German Tamil online the quick and easy way.
Enter your English or Tagalog word for translation in the search box below and click 'SEARCH'. Browse for basic Tagalog vocabulary words : AllABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZNumbers Mobile Tagalog dictionaryis available now! English to Tagalog translation ...