Download Daily use English words and sentences in Hindi latest version for Android free. Daily use English words and sentences in Hindi latest update: June 6, 2024
Today we bring some Hindi words which we use daily basis. To know the meaning of these Hindi words you can use in your vocabulary which will help in your communication. Please find Below the List of Hindi Words Meanings: Hindi Word English Word छिछोरा – Foppish गं...
of the most commonly used English word meanings in Hindi where you can see their meanings, vocabulary, definition, pronunciation, synonyms, and antonyms.You will directly be taken to a page where we have different audio and visual cues to help you internalise the meaning of that word. With...
The old saying, “shop till you drop” may soon capture a whole new meaning in Hangzhou, a city in eastern China’s Zhejiang Province. Local health officials have granted a special waiver and license for a private consortium to open up China’s first-of-its-kind medical mall. China Cares...
The inheritance process allowed a shift of meaning from "tooth" to "the imprint of teeth". Latin den(t)s came from PIE dent-/dont- "tooth", source also of Sanskrit danta, Greek odoys, odontos, Lithuanian dantis, Welsh and Breton dant, Breton dent, Cornish dans, Hindi and Urdu daant...
Daily Word Learning: Kickstart your day with a new word! Our app offers a "Word of the Day" feature that introduces you to a new English word every day, along with its Hindi translation and pronunciation. Learn the meaning, usage, and context of each word to enrich your language skills...
It is used as a verb regionally in the US to mean "imitating the hoot of an owl" in order to locate birds when hunting. In Play: The literal meaning of this word refers to a type of bird: "Walking home that night, Carlyle felt a thump on his head. It took him a few minutes...
Use our translator tool as English to Amharic dictionary. For instance: "Beautiful" meaning in Amharic will be "ቆንጆ (k’onijo)""Brave" meaning in Amharic will be "ጎበዝ (gobezi)" Powered by Google. High accuracy rate. Instant online translation. Translate up to 1500 charac...
Oxymoron is a figure of speech in which contrasting words are place side by side to create emphasis. An adjective is added to a word of contrary or opposite meaning. Examples He had to bear thekind crueltyof the surgeon’s knife.
Whenever you type a word, sentence, or phrase in English, we send API requests to either Google or Microsoft for the translation. In return, they send back a response with the translated text in Traditional Chinese. Their system use machine-language technologies to bring together some cutting...