Dutch′auc′tion, Businessa method of auction consisting in the offer of a property at a price above the actual value and then at gradually reduced prices until a buyer is found. 1860–65 Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: ...
English auctionDutch auctionStudies have shown that users experience regret in online electronic auctions. Our study adds to the research on the antecedents of regret by examining the effects of the major types of auction design on users' experience of regret. Towards this goal, we analyzed ...
Dutch auction meaning, definition, what is Dutch auction: a public sale at which the price of some...: Learn more.
英式拍卖(EnglishAuction),也称为降价拍卖,荷兰式拍卖(DutchAuction),也称为升价拍卖 A、 正确 B、 错误正确答案 点击免费查看答案 试题上传试题纠错猜您对下面的试题感兴趣:点击查看更多与本题相关的试题 第一价位秘密竞标也称为 A. 英式拍卖 B. 法式拍卖 C. 荷兰式拍卖 D. 日本式拍卖 免费查看参考答案及...
Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary Search with English, Pinyin, or Chinese characters. Powered byCC-CEDICT 荷兰式拍卖Trad.荷蘭式拍賣 Hé lán shì pāi mài Dutch auction descending-price auction
Also Read:Auction Market Dutch Auction TheDutch auctionis commonly known as Descending Price auction. In this, the auctioneer starts with the highest asking price, and then the bids are received for a continuously lower price until all items are sold. This type of auction is usually used for ...
Dutch auction ph. 1. 降价拍卖 2. 直到发现有人愿购买的拍卖 特色专题 更多> 国学经典 国学典籍大全 国学答题 国学知识竞答 诸子百家 中国智慧源头 四大名著 中国文学巅峰 精品测试 汉程倾情打造 心理测试 心理问题自测 56个民族 全民族一家亲 传统节日...
0229 to go Dutch -- Daily Easy English Expression 04:16 0230 to dress up -- Daily Easy English Expression 03:51 0231 get your head out of the clouds -- Daily Easy English Expression 04:27 0232 squirt -- Daily Easy English Expression 04:59 0233 give a wide berth -- Daily Easy Englis...
Anglo-dutch Auction英荷式拍卖 3)Standard English Reverse Auction标准英式逆拍卖 4)auction format拍卖方式 5)auction formalities拍卖形式 6)distributed auction分布式拍卖 1.Compared with other auction protocols, bidders can submit their bids asynchronously like thedistributed auctions, and all the bids are ke...