The Netherlands went metric in 1820 and the medical sciences were supposed to follow suit, except for apothecaries weight, which was very close to the Anglo-Saxon variant and was not abolished before 1870. Doctors and pharmacists had opposed metric weights in pharmacy in 1820 because they were ...
Rhythm in speech: What rhythmic organizations reveal about cognitive processes in spontaneous speech production versus reading aloud The rhythm of speech can be defined from two different standpoints: a metric one and a rhythmic one. Considered as an assimilation tendency involving the r... Isabelle...
6 days ago Indian Q4 38.9m Yoy 148.6m The Indian economy’s fourth quarter reported a significant year-over-year increase of 38.9 million, culminating in an overall growth metric of… 1 hour ago Shopify Shipping Integration: Streamline Your E-Commerce Operations In the fast-paced world of e-...
Thus, different psycholinguistic units have been postulated as the basis for determining word consistency: from grapheme units, to subsyllabic onset-vowel-coda units, to rime patterns (as shown in Fig.1). For the beginning reader, the process of decoding words from these print units to mapped ...
Given a reliable scoring metric to determine translation quality, based on direct human assessment, one can use a paired statistical significance test to decide whether a given machine translation system can be considered at parity with human translation quality for a test set and corresponding human...
In the direction of quantifying the articulatory distinctiveness, this study [8] presents the classification accuracies and distinctiveness distance metric for English vowels and consonants based on tongue and lip movement time series data. The articulatory vowel and consonants spaces were derived based ...
442 ASHRAE DA-07-014-2007 2007-01-01 English Capture Index: An Airflow-Based Rack Cooling Performance Metric 443 ASHRAE DA-07-015-2007 2007-01-01 English Characterization of a High-Density Data Center 444 ASHRAE 90.1-2007 SI-2007 2007-01-01 English Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low...
Shorter observation intervals might reveal a lag time for the mutants, but consideration of the observed maximum d[θ]/dt metric in both systems and the delay intervals before the second CD measurements were made (0.5 or 1 days), suggests that this lag period would be very small (≪1 ...
34 ASHRAE D-MECP15-2-2014 2014-01-01 English Modeling and Energy Consumption with Parallel and Series VAV Terminal Units with ECM and PSC Motors - Third Edition; Product Code: D-MECP15-2 35 ASHRAE RP-1616 I-P-2014 2014-01-01 English Load Calculation Applications Manual - Second Edition...
Brief and age-appropriate measures of trauma-related symptoms are useful for identifying children in need of clinical services. The current study examines